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Messages - Martin

Personal Plates on a 12! Now that is pimping!! 
I think most of the chandlers do kits.  On my last boat which had flaps I recall using very thin perspex and gluing it along the hinged edge with slot gasket glue or similar.  Didn't bother with hinges.
General National 12 chat / Crew Weight
29 May 2009, 08:26
Can anyone confirm what weight Jo and Sophie were carrying individually/between them at the nationals?
Lovely boat.  Compared to a "conventional" wooden boat it looks fairly easy to maintain as all the surfaces inside look so easy to get at!  What non slip is used on the floors?
Quote from: Giles (Guest)Hi there, 
Does anyone have any advice.

Speak to the builder again..........
I'd ditch the wire in favour of the high strength rope that is currently available.  It's easy to work with and probably cheaper unless you can make up the wire strops yourself.
Perhaps something for P&B to think about for their Feeling Foolish options list...............
If this rudder system was adopted on other 12's such as Foolishes etc, would there be a gain in performance there too?
Do you use a conventional rudder when sailing on restricted water or can the exotic one be used to good effect on the rivers and such like?
I guess as the boat is as tall as a block of flats comparitively speaking and self draining a foredeck is rather surplus to requirements?
Any pics of the new boat?
Have a look at the information about the Dinghy Show in the fixtures list on this site.  There was also a one liner in the "Final Chapter" which was emailed out a few days ago.
Well done to all involved!  Off to buy my lottery ticket! 8)
Quote from: 520I will soon be having a block-laminate beech worktop fitted in the kitchen for the sink-run.

"Sink Run"?  Another new N12 in the pipeline!!!!
Quote from: 495Happy to help one of the days. Don't forget there is also an amazing boat being built by Ian Stables, check it out.

Please do tell more!
Six page thread and still going strong!!
Quote from: 495Did someone upset Rick? not sure what he's getting at...

Teddies and prams spring to mind...........
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