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Messages - Martin

I have in my memorabilia file an old double sided A3 sized class poster of photos in black and white taken by R Lean Vercoe in the 1980s.  I think I acquired it before I  started sailing 12's in the 90's.  It features 12's at speed on the sea and even now the boats look impressive.
Personally, I think exciting sells boats and that poster certainly worked for me - eventually. 
Quote from: 78
Finally, if you want a double bottomed river rocket, my (possibly biassed) suggestion would be a Paradigm 2

Are there any pictures of the boat kicking about?
For me the simplification and freeing up of some of the more complex measurement rules is the way forward.  I suspect rotating masts could be a turn off for a lot of people as they are perceived to be complicated. 
I am not bothered about a major hike in performance but would be happy with a modest increase in sail area with a nice fat headed sail, (maybe fully battened or semi fully battened) a worthwhile reduction in weight (so that we don't have to carry Kilos of lead around) the removal of minimum mast weight and the option of a daggerboard for those that want it.
If the outcome of any changes is a 1970s style design rush resulting in at least one modern day double bottomed river rocket I for one would be mega happy!! 
There will be winners and losers but I think we have to do it 
Perhaps Rick is suggesting we are all happy with the 3/4 height ;)
I guess we will be damned if we do something and damned if we do nothing.  I get the feeling that there the desire within the class to move our boat forward is gaining momentum and I would urge the powerbrokers to make it happen.
Quote from: 305 
. . . we need a plan

And doing nothing again is not it.......................
Interesting debate on Y&Y Forum about "which classes will survive"  Comparison made about how Merlins have competed successfully against RS400s and how N12's have fared less well against RS200s.  See
You might want to follow the coversation going on over at
Welcome to the wonderful world of Nat 12's.  Sure you will get loads of useful advice here
Knee pads?  Progrip in strategic areas?
General National 12 chat / Re: Covers
06 Aug 2007, 04:05
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