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Messages - philipcosson

been on the lark class discussion board looking for a rudder stock.

found this instead

"Dinghy Show feedback      
Date Posted: 6 March 2006, 9:30PM GMT
Simons boat looked well sorted - but goodness control lines just keep getting thinner. Bit dark in that hall.

Minus: Too many hairy arsed skiff type clones, the plastic GP14 - sad, Merlins - don't seem to look as gorgeous as they used to, topper stuff.

Plus: The N12s - top video, that wooden Phantom, the amazing IC. Cheap Lark clothing (we got loads)"
Philip and son Joel plan to sail all three days with N3253.

Wife and daughter may be onshore some days.

Not likely to stay for evening meals, not going to dinner (unsociable b^gg&r)
I need sails - preferably a couple of years old - to replace my 1984 and 1987 sets. I'm after a main and possibly a jib (although I have a chance of a new jib cos I have my N12 70th regatta top!)

proctor C section mast. Current Jib area 2.22m2

I'm also looking for a rondar cast rudder stock.

Money is tight as I have just bought 2 rudders. I will be at the regatta.

rudder safe and sound - looking good

tempted by the rest now iv'e seen the quality

i'll be there.

I broke my rudder stock on Sunday. I have bought a new rudder and stock and hope it will be delivered in time for saturday. If anyone going has a spare rudder stock and tiller, could you please bring it with you - just in case? (I promise not to break it!)


cheques in the post andy

still got any bits?

afirmative to both points Roger!

On one of my tables for risk estimate it cites a 1:9100 risk of lightning strike. (US population). I'm assuming sailing in a thunderstorm raises this risk quite coniderably.

there are 2000 thunderstorms active at any given time arround the world. generaing 100 lightning strikes per second. a lightning bolt can be as much as 1 mile in advance of any clouds.

i would clear the water ASAP in a thunderstorm - and i'm not particularly risk averse.

but i hope that will be a few years off - as i have a daughter waiting in the wings to take over from son!
once i lose my crew i fancy a finn or an RS300


cheers for this

have you bought another boat yet? what class are you in?

the elastic on the dangly pole went snap the other day

but my main point was -  is there a logical grouping i.e. things you adjust together normally all in one colour.

I like the idea of gybing then "releasing all the red bits a bit" for the run... optimist or what?


its n3253 - fiberglass AC with aluminium mast and boom
Hi all,

my running rigging is looking very sad and I have had some breakages. i need to replace all with new stuff

1) what "gauge" should i choose
2) what type of "rope"

I have:

mast ram
mast prebend

all of these are lead back to thwart/cb casing.I have dangly pole controls as well

We are just learners and really only adjust on the shore at the moment (outhaul, kicker and forstay)

is there any logical grouping of these controls into colour groups?

also - i need to replace both halyards (def the rope, maybe the metal as well) can one use dacron halyards instrad of steel?

I want to do this before the 20th May

any advice would be most apreciated


not long now...

please i only have one boat...
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