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Messages - wotno

Hi Dave
Just been looking at you blog and I think its great. 
I'm in the process of giving our 12 a good dose of TLC and wished we'd done a blog to cover her transformation.
Keep up the great work.  Looking forward to seeing the results of all your hard toil.  I hate boats - whatever their design or size - not being used and looked after.
Well done both of you, and have fun sailing her.
I'm just finishing a repaint on our 12.  Strage timing I know in the middle of the season, but its the only time I've got access to a garage.  We've gone for the International range of paints and varnishes, mainly as we'd had good experience of them on other wooden dinghies.
We've gone for Topcoat (white) for the hull and a 2 pack poly varnish for the deck.  Bottom hull has been applied with a roller and it's to have given a superb finish.  The tops been brush applied and also has also come up great.
I'm sure any of the top range of paint and varnishes will give good results, especially if you take time in the preparation of the area first.
Boats / Re: N3307 Ultra 12
07 Mar 2008, 08:49
A couple of pictures, but unfortunatley none of her on the water.
Boats / Re: N3307 Ultra 12
03 Mar 2008, 05:46
I brought Ultra 12 about 3 years ago now from a young lad who sailed her at Combes Sailing Club in Derbyshire. I lived in Derbyshire at the time, but have now moved to Kendal where we try and sail her from South Windermere SC.

I say try as we don't get her bottom wet as often as we'd like to and when we do, we don't sail her as well as she should be sailed. She is great fun to sail either in a resonable blow or when the wind is on the more gentle side when she's so enjoyable to sail.

She needs a little TLC to the hull which she's getting this winter, hopefully in readiness for a reasonable summer of club racing.

Pictures to follow....
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