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Topics - paul turner

Greetings. The Trent Valley Midland Area/HD Sails Four Plank Series meeting will be held at Trent Lock on Sunday 7th May 2017. ALL TYPES OF N12 WELCOME!

First race at 11:00, second race back to back and third after suitable time for digestion of lunch.  Race Officer Roger (the Ancient) Britton aided by Ken Goddard (recently returned from Outer Bulgaria) await to help you enjoy some challenging river sailing, and we have a full rescue crew from our Merlin Rocket fleet headed up by Guy Browne and Ben Allen waiting to pluck any "sail washers" from the river. Chris our new steward looks forward to feeding lots of you at lunchtime; afternoon tea will also be available after sailing.

Please let me know that you are attending; you've got to have a pretty good excuse not be there! There may be some surprise guest sailors!

Paul N2750  8)
Greetings. The time has come to reduce the size of the Turner Collection - I just can't sail them all, running out of storage and fitness, and I ought to spread the joy of vintage yotting to others! Certain boats will stay, such as China Doll, Starfish, Cheshire Cat and Smuggler, but there are two other China Dolls looking for a new and loving home. There is already interest in Mr Jones and one of the other two China Dolls so if you are looking please email me.
Paul 1650, 2020, 2359, 2399, 2403, 2487, 2492, 2524, 2750, 3157.
As I prepare to head off to the Burtion in an hour's time, staring out of the window at the miserable rain and then reviewing the hairy wind forecast, I am cheered by the thought that in two weeks it will be the Trent Valley Vintage Open meeting!

Three races, each five minutes after the club handicap starts at 14:00, 15:00 and 17:00.

Hope to see lots of you; please let me know if you are coming along to join us (or even just to watch, gossip and/or enjoy the catering of our new stewards!)

There are a couple of Turner Collection clinker boats available for competent helms to borrow (but do give me lots of notice please)!

L&Ks Paul
N1650/2020/2359/2399/2403/2487 (plus N2524 & 2492 but not yet servicable!)

Suzie Sallis has asked me to remind you all that it is Ely's 70th anniversary year and one of the events is the Midland Area/ HD Sails 4P open on Saturday 2nd July. Briefing at 10:30, first race at 11:00, then lunch and two races back to back.

As it is a special year for Ely a good turnout would be appreciated. Christine and I will be there with N2750 Cheshire Cat.

Cheers, Paul  8)

You will all have (hopefully) seen the poster on the website for the Vintage Champs & 12 Fest to be held at Burton Sailing Club at the end of June; it would be very helpful with the organisation of catering, prizes etc if you would post here ASAP your intention to join us at Foremark.

Various clinker N12s from the Turner Collection will be available to lend to competent helms; please contact me direct - several have already been enquired about but Smuggler, Starfish and Shotgun are still free.

Paul N1650/2020/2359/2399/2403/2487/2524/2492.

Trent Valley's Open Meeting (Midland Area & HD Sails Four Plank Series) is on Sunday 8th May.

Briefing 10:30, First race at 11:00, second race before lunch and third just after.

To help with planning catering, rescue crews etc please let me know soonest that you are coming along to enjoy the joys of yotting at Trent Lock.

Gongoozlers welcome!

Paul  8)

PS The Vintage (only) event will be on Sunday 4th September - clinker yots are, of course, most welcome on 8th May!
As of 12:30 today we have a new road at TVSC. The last pot-holed section from the farm gate, past the farm through to the flood bank was tarmaced at vast expense - it is now a local tourist attraction!

And if you haven't been to TVSC recently the whole of Trent Lane was finally tarmaced by Network Rail last year.

And we have a new cattle grid into the car park so you have got to come down to our Open Meeting on Sunday 8th May!

Paul (Clerk of Works!)  8)
Every February Trent Valley N12s get together at the Navigation Pub, Breaston for a pre-season beer or two to plan (plot?) the year ahead and to natter.

This year we are inviting other local N12 sailors, current and lapsed,  to come along and join us.

"Launch" is Monday 15th February at 19:00 - back room!


Paul  8)
Here's a profound thought!

Mr Sears, as he was gazing at Punkawallah, suggested that we might try to get together a fleet of Four Plankers to sail NWNW this year for a change rather than take our assorted vintage boats.

I'm up for it; Cheshire Cat N2750 is already fit and ready.

Anyone else going to join? It is a fun week!

Greetings! I have just re-acquired my very first new N12, a China Doll called Ethelred N2524, built for me in 1971 by W&C.
Said boat is in amazingly good condition having been stored in a garage for the last 30+ years

I am trying to restore to original sailing spec so I have one request and one query for the amassed audience!

1. Why would the boat have two winches on the front of the centre board case? One is the kicker, but the other? Certainly not for the centre board or boom outhaul.....

2. Does anyone have a spare/old Needlespar, with fixed spreaders they would like to dispose of, please?

Paul  8)
Greetings! You are all welcome to come down to Trent Lock Long Eaton to enjoy (by sailing or spectating) the delights of the River Trent.

All varieties of N12 are invited, but only the results of the 4Ps will qualify towards the HD Sails Series.

Races will be at 14:05, 15:05 and asap after tea, ie 5 minutes after club handicap race starts.

Please let me know if you coming along!

Paul N2750 8)

The 534th TVSC May open meeting this year will combine both the usual Midland Area qualfier and the Vintage meeting usually held in September. Double the reason for coming along but if you can't make it and need a "fix" of river yotting, we still have the HD Four Plank event Sunday 19th july.

First race will at 11:00 with the second before lunch; third and then prize giving early afternoon.

Please let us know if you are coming along (and want unch) so we can plan accordingly!

Px (sadly still not fit to sail) :'(
A message to Patrick and Stevie - advice please.

Should I support the Burwain Vintage meeting or travel to Hykeham for the Midland Area on the same day?

Both series are dear to my heart but Hykeham is nearer (44 miles 1:03 hours) compared to Burwain (106 miles 2:20) but I have more vintage yots.......

Oh 'eck" Px :-/
Whisper was painted with grey primer, then white undercoat topped off with a lovely yellow top coat - the loose stuff is coming off easily but in various places absolutely nothing will shift the coatings!

Neither Nitromores or hot air blower/scraper have any effect on several large areas.

Any ideas (other than a bonfire?)

Px N2492 :o
Who is coming out to play?

Let's hope the weather is kinder to us for this joint Midland Area and Vintage Meeting than the May Open (too much wind) and the Four Plank open in July (not enough)!

We have several vintage yots already booked in:

John Sears in N2403 China Doll
Dave Peacock in N2620
Me & Christine in N2487 Dolly Daydream
Alan Brunton (yes The Alan Brunton!) in N2020 Starfish (subject to us finding him a crew)
Chadders (but in which yot?)
(Hopefully) the all conquering Brian Kitching and new crew bringing the "Shotgun Trophy" back from the Burton to be engraved.

RSVP! Px 8)
Although I was the first to enter for the Champs this year with N2403 China Doll back in January, my ability to only manage to partcipate in only a few of the races at the North West Norfolk Week (plus the discomfort of long distance driving) has painfully demonstrated that my recovery from spinal surgery back in March is ging to take far longer than I had hoped. I have therefore, with great frustration, had to withdraw my entry - and Janet tells me that I was the only clinker boat actually entered (although I know that Brian Kitching was thinking about going; he was activily looking for a crew). If anyone wants to take up our B&B booking please let me know soonest as I am about to cancel it.
Other than turning up at the 4P meeting at Olton Mere in two weeks and the TVSC Open in September its gonna have to be a quiet year.....
P (MPO) x

Trent Valley's Four Plank Open Meeting (as part of the HD Sails Four Plank Mini Series) will be held on SUNDAY 20th JULY 2014.

Races will be at 14:05, 15:05 and 17:05, five minutes after the club handicap races; briefing at 13:00. Best two of three results to count. Sorry no trophies as this is the first year so the entry fee will be pretty cheap!

Catering - Currently in the process of change over of steward so no lunches available (sorry) but there will be afternoon tea at 16:00 after the second race.

Please let us know if you are coming along; hope to see lots of you with your old four-plankers - there should be two home fleet Cheshire Cats there!

Cheers, Paul 8) N2750

Where? (Burton SC at Foremark works for me!)
When? (Last weekend in June seems to clash with several clubs' Summer Ball etc)

Who is coming out to play? Interest so far:

Dave & Tricia Peacock (N2487 Dolly Daydream)
John Sears & Catherine (N2403 China Doll)
Philip David & Christine Preston
Brian Herring & Roz
Jeremy Carey
Alan Beaton

Please post soonest if you coming to sail (or just to watch) so we can orgainse catering etc. BBQ Saturday night. And Jenny Clark is organising merchandising too. Plus a few Turner collection boats available to lend to competent helms!

Px :'( (still not sailing)
General National 12 chat / loan boats
03 Jun 2014, 10:37
You will all have seen the posters for the Vintage Champs at Burton SC 28/29 June and for the Four Plank Series in July and August?

For the Vintage Champs, Dave & Tricia Peacock have their names down to borrow N2487, and John Sears is sailing N2403 - as I am still not signed off for sailing this means that there are several other Vintage N12s available to lend out to competent helms wishing to partake (including Starfish and Smuggler).

Also I have a spare Cheshire Cat available for Ely, TVSC and OMSC, but (note to self) must replace tyes on trailer!
There will (hopefully) be three China Dolls at NWNW (N2620 Peacock/N2403 Sears/N2487 ME!) but if any else wants to borrow a vintage yot please let me know.

T&Cs - all boats insured by me/supplied on road trailers (but you check roadworthy)/collect and return to DE72 3AX (junction 25 M1/A52) after event/bring your own straps and lighting board/"you bend, you mend"!

Px 8)
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