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Messages - Dave Croft

It would be hard to pretend the result didn't have something to do with it but it was a great meeting and one I would strongly recommend, everyone was very friendly. It's fair to say the course and the wind suited my old 12 down to the ground, one of the highlights was passing a pair of RS200's! There are lots of 12's that would qualify for this including I believe early Baggy's and Crusaders. Dave.
I'm sure you won't be the only ones who come for just Sunday and I won't mind,  for us it's just a nice and rare chance these days to sail my beloved 12. Not sure on the organisation, number of discards etc.
If anyone needs a crew for this event please let me know, one (or both) of my daughters who are very experienced may be available.
I think we should be supporting this. A few weeks ago I heard a young sailor at FPSC say "what's a National 12?"!!! We will try to get 2935 out. Meads do you still have Eric?? Nice bit of water FPSC and the largest Cadet fleet in the country if you want to get some interest going in the class....
Hi Nick,

I might be able to help you, my children have just joined FPSC Cadetfleet. We are often down on a Saturday morning. I'll drop you an e-mail.

Dave C
Thanks John, that's clear. We might see you somewhere this season, Cadets allowing!
Hi, I'm a bit out of touch lately with class rules and was wondering if someone can summarise the new rules with regard to changes in sail measurement. If I turn up to a meeting or two this year am I going to find my old sails are smaller than everyone eles's???  Thanks, Dave
Thanks very much, its great to have such a response. We know SCSC well, Caroline came 3rd last year at the Open. I have sent a round robin via the Cadet class but you can never be sure it will reach everyone. Shame we couldn't get to the 12 meeting but life revolves around Cadets for the moment, at least we have two keen sailors and have avoided the Pony club!!! cheers Dave
General National 12 chat / Cadet Crew
24 Apr 2007, 11:46
Sorry folks, not exaclty N12's but ... My daugter Caroline(13) -  very experienced Cadet sailor and sometime N12 helm needs a crew for the Cadet open at Portland on 5th/6th May. All accomodation and everything is already sorted, two days racing in a 100plus fleet in Portland harbour. Do any of you have any children or know of any who would be interested in a spot of crewing? If so please give me a call - 07963475988 or e-mail me. Cheers, Dave
Hi Simon,

If you use epoxy you have to be sure the cause of the original lifting has been resolved. Epoxy will bloom if there's any damp and will seal in any moisture. The other problem is epoxy has no UV protection and so it needs several coats of varnish or it will go a muddy colour. If you want to see how the area will look varnished wipe the area with some thiners, that will give a good indication of the colour you will get when varnished. If the deck has seen a few seasons of sun then it will be bleached and where you have gone back to the wood it will be darker, if you don't like this there's no alternative but to go back to the base wood all over and then rub that down but be careful not to go throuight the veneer.

With older boats you are better of using a traditional varnish like Epiphanes. I would avoid epoxy and two-pack unless you are certain the base is 100% sound and moisture free.

Recently I restored an old Cadet for my dughters, it was a real pain getting the old varnish off the decks but I was rewarded with a beatuiful sapeele mahogany that had been bleached yellow over many years, it made the whole exercise worthwhile.

Dave C

A breathable cover is an absolute must for a wooden boat. They aren't cheap but worth the cost in what you save doing maintenance. The P&B ones are the best quality, I had one on my all-wood Merlin until I sold her earlier this year. If you can't run to one of these you may find a local sailmaker who could make one in good oldfashioned canvas but I doubt if will be a lot less and it may not last as long.

Dave C
Ken, I hope you also have details of N23 "Farandole" - owned by Dave Jupp who is commodore of Keyhaven YC. I believe he is still a member of the association if not I can give you his contact details. Regards, Dave
The Cadets have an on-line archive of championship results going back almost to the start of the class. It's interesting to tap in a boat name or number and see what her past record was. This would be useful and interesting to potential owners as well as current owners. The rest of their site isnt'a a patch on this one though!
Twickenham are trying their best to put on a good event for the 12 70th, the trophy is a magnificent silver cup presented back in 1935 and probably one of the oldest 12 trophies around. I'm very sad that we won't be able to make it but my children have a big dry-slope ski race over the week-end in Stoke. Please try and support this event if you can, you'll have a nice day, I see the winds are forcast easterly which is the best direction for this reach. Contact Pip Deverson or Roger Hidden for details (their both in the 12 book). Cheers, Dave C
I bought Electress from John Hoyle in the early 70's, she's one of the early China Dolls and was pretty quick in her day, she had a fairly modern rig too probaly thanks to Mike Hoyle who I believe sailed her more than John did. It would be nice to see her sailing again but I won't voulnteer to do the restoration - I've done enough boat maintence lately! Electress would make a very good vintage racer!
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