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Topics - Antony3514

Since the mailing has not hit the doorsteps yet here is another preview of the fixture list.

On February 9th there will be a dinner for 12 sailors, their friends and friends of the class or its friends.  Last year this group numbered something like 80 people of all ages!  This dinner is  being organised by Bruce & Clare Johnson and family, whose details are in the book.  It is pretty safe to assume that the dinner will be inexpensive, the company will be excellent, and the beer will be local.

On Sunday the Mid-Winter Championships will be taking place as usual.  Chris Brown and his able team will once again lay on a surprising number of short races and have us all ashore before we get cold.  I seem to be helping to organise this, so any questions or offers of crews, helms etc let me know and i will see if i can help.

As many of you probably remember we won this event last year, the trophy is for the combined performance of the two entries from a class.  This year the event is on the 20th January, and we are currently at least one boat short of a team as Frances is in New Zealand!

Any volunteers please let me know asap,
Just a quick reminder that the last Eastern Area open of the year is at RH on Boxing Day.  As usual the start will be 11.00, and there will be mulled wine and mince pies in the club afterwards.

IT IS HIGH WATER THIS YEAR, and so will presumably be a lovely sail.  It already sounds pretty competitive, with at least 3 of the top 6 from the Champs coming out to play....

If you want more information email me on or look on the club site for directions etc.

General National 12 chat / N3208
20 Nov 2007, 01:44
Sad to see what a state my second N12 is now in.  Clearly at best a project, it did have a pretty decent centreboard which must be worth something but otherwise looks to have already been asset striped.

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