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Scottish champs.

Started by GregPitt, 28 Mar 2009, 10:43

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Tim I think 11.3 answers your question. Basically more than 4 races 1 discard, less than 4 no discard if I've read it right.
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411

Tim Gatti

Doh! Thanks Angus. Tim

John Hugo

We are now expecting at least ten boats for the Scottish Champs, including two ASC twelves.

Crusader 3244

Team 'Why Can't You ..?' are likely to make the trip if the forecast is fair with some breeze so we're watching  with interest.
Fair weather looks likely with temperatures well into double figures .... now if the same could be said for the wind-speed in mph ......

Och, I think we'll make the trip.

Does the club have a policy re dogs? Is there a walk around the pond?
Chris, 3244


Dogs are generally welcomed, as long as they are under control blah blah blah blah.. and so forth.

A lot of work has been done on the path along that side of the loch and is really is quite nice. In fact I may go for a stroll there myself this afternoon.

Crusader 3244

Thanks Luke,  It all looks very nice. I think Imay sell the weekend to Mrs P. too!
Chris, 3244


I have edited the post above as it turns out google must have done something weird and taken me to an older version. The above link to the PDF now takes you to the most recent version with more extensive paths.
I did go for a stroll.
It was very nice indeed...

Crusader 3244

Thanks 'Luke',
Mrs P is sold on the idea and Hilleath are expecting us.
Chris, 3244

Roly Mo

Just be warned, there always used to be terrifying notices at Halleaths warning that anyone from the statics caught in the toilet blocks would be charged (with what we always wondered) and banning the gutting and filleting of fish in the loo blocks too!  Nice site though, and quite handy for the club.  You will see it on the right as you come towards Lochmaben.
See you there!
Mrs RM

John Hugo

Howay Chris, divn't take any notice aboot the fishin, its just to keep the geordies under control.   Looking forward to seeing you at the week-end.
John N3475

John Hugo

Met Office forecast for Lockerbie on Saturday predicts sunny periods, 17C, and more importantly for those of you that like that sort of thing, 14mph southerly breeze.   Brian Herring and I would like a bit less[face=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]. [/face]

Roly Mo

Perhaps I'll take Xanthus! Then again perhaps I'll take both boats and decide on the day!!!!!!!!!!


Good choice Chris you won't regret it... well not a lot anyway.
Well mr. Mo thats the problem if you have two boats, You should of kept your cheshire cat.;D
All smoke and Mirrors. N2153, 2969, 3411

Crusader 3244
up to now weather looks fair and winds lightish.
Am I obsessive? I keep logging back and of course they're constantly revising the wind forecast for sat afternoon. was 2-3mph , then upgraded to 11 - 12mph and lately  7 - 10 mph for eskdalemuir.  Did three in a drifter on sunday past; - have no wish for a repeat. Double figures would be nice.
C'y'all there.
Chris, 3244

Roly Mo

Whilst the rest of Team RM are out sailing (alright for some I say) I aAm busy working out what I need to pack up for the weekend and wondered if Kenneth or John could indicate whether lunch be available in the club (for sailors and their accompanying ground crews) on Saturday and Sunday?
Looking forward to a lovely weekend,

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