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Topics - John Meadowcroft

Last year four 12s participated in Bourne End Week over the May Bank Holiday Weekend.  We shared a start line with the Handicap fleet.  There is camping on site.  The club is in a beautiful location on the River Thames in Buckinghamshire.  10 minutes from Junction 3 or 4 of the M40.

Dates this year are Saturday May 28th to Tuesday June 1st.

For the boat geeks come and see a fleet of Thames A Raters battling it out in restricted waters.
The Class are again exhibiting at the RYA Dinghy Show at Alexandra Palace on 5/6 March.

There will be one boat on the stand which is a new build wooden 4-Plank version of the Dead Cat Bounce.  The new boat is currently in its final stages of completion and belongs to Stuart Walsh.  The boat has been built by Simon Hipkin in Essex.

There are also more photographs on the N12 facebook page.

We need volunteers to help man the stand.  If you are planning to attend and can devote 1.5 hours to being on the stand and talking to other interested parties that would be fantastic.  If you can volunteer on either Saturday (or particularly Sunday), please send me an email to

John Meadowcroft.


I will be in Brixham from Friday afternoon onwards.  Hoping to go for a sail and then available in evening to measure sails if required.  There should also hopefully be an opportunity to check weigh on Friday, but no promises right now.

I already have Chris Flewitt and Brian Kitching on my list.  Any more?  Would prefer if you got in touch in advance.

For those arriving on Saturday I will be getting progressively less interested in doing things as time gets closer to the start....

John Meadowcroft
And delighted to report that Mrs M has agreed to crew for me.  All that is now needed is some practice...  and some luck...
Anyone else coming?
Any ideas for accommodation.  What is the deal on camping at the club.  What are the alternative options?
Yes, the thread title is correct.
2011 is the 75th anniversary of the Class and there is no better way to celebrate such an achievement than with a tie!
Who is interested?  I intend to go for 2, one for best, and well one that is not for best...
Will they even sell ties in 2036?  I think that it is the time for the N12 gentlemen to invest!
Please reply if you are interested so that we can work out costings.  Please say whether you want one or two...
Hopefully those with previous incarnations of the N12 tie will take some photographs and attach them to a reply.
Ladies, do you want anything?
copied from notice of race on Syc website,
Lots of local boats and a number of visitors saying they are coming.
Lunch time high water, neap tides, sunshine and 14mph forecast per the BBC on Monday night....
See you there, it will be winter soon.

October 16th and 17th 2010
3 Races, 2 to count
National Twelve: FLAG T
Solo: Numeral 1
Entries in advance or in the Yacht Club prior to the briefing at 12.00 Saturday           
Race 1                  Saturday 16th October           N12 13.50 â€" Solo 14.00
Race 2                  Sunday 17th  October             N12 11.00  - Solo 11.10
Race 3                  Sunday 17th  October             N12 14.00  - Solo 14.10
There will be a Supper in the Yacht Club for competitors and their friends on Saturday 16th October 19.00 for 19.30 hrs. Prizegiving will be held in the Yacht Club at 17.00 hrs on Sunday 17th. All competitors and their friends are honorary members of Salcombe Yacht Club for this event. Lunches will be served daily between 12 noon and 2pm. The club bar is well stocked and competitively priced.
Entries in advance or in the Yacht Club prior to the briefing in SYC at 12.00 Saturday
PLEASE ENTER BY Wednesday 13th October 2010 otherwise entries will be
Accepted in the club between 11.00 and 12.00 on Saturday 16th with a £5 surcharge
Please reserve …….. adult places and ……… junior places.
For(name)…………………………………… at the Saturday Supper at £10.00 per adult and £6.00 per junior. Please book by Wednesday 13th October. If you require a vegetarian option please let us know in advance.
Suggest you send an email to John murrell -
The Thames Area continues on 12th September at Henley.
What you need to know is...
11am start, 3 races, splendid lunch, excellent tea.  Lots of fun to be had on a fine stretch of water in beautiful weather and idyllic breezes.  This is the final event in the south for those of you preparing for the forthcoming Inland Championships!
Club website is 
Sign up here if you are coming so the club can have an idea of how many cakes to bake...
See you there.
There is a great interview with Graham Camm about how the Burton Cup was won this year.  Available in all good newsagents (well you should find it in a big WHSmiths...)
Whilst we all dream of London 2012 this weekend I am pleased to let you know that we will all be able to enjoy London Pride in the bar at WPNSA.  The NTOA Burton Week funds will receive £££ from every pint sold.  There are limited stocks available, so dont be late for the social activities!
Thanks to Fuller's for supporting Burton Week.
This is John Hugo rescuing his boat from the Annandale SC dinghy park when the floods hit Scotland / Lak District last December.  Captions please.
These are from back in the day.
[face=Calibri]3 well know National 12 sailors are pictured.  Who are they? and which one features twice?[/face]
General National 12 chat / Silly idea
10 Mar 2010, 10:29
Dear all
It is a good thing that we don’t have too many rules on this forum as this is probably not really allowed.
Anyway, who cares.  I am running the London Marathon on April 25th.  I am seeking to raise money for the Smile Train â€" a charity which supports facial surgery for children in the 3rd world.
Many of you know my oldest son, Ollie.  He is a relatively inexperienced but surprisingly keen National 12 sailor.  He has had facial surgery as he was born with a cleft palate.  Ollie was born in the right place.  He is a lucky boy and I am running on behalf of those who are for many reasons not so lucky.
Training is going well so far â€" a longest run of more than 17 miles which I expect to exceed this weekend.  If you can sponsor me it would be greatly appreciated.  £150 changes a child’s life by funding a cleft repair.  Every pound makes a difference.
Finally thanks to my N12 friends who have helped me with my training so far, and for those who are booked in for future runs.  You know who you are and your help is really appreciated!
Thank you
John Meadowcroft
#13 now has the entry form etc posted.
I came across this.  I believe that it is Robin Steavenson sailing at Newburn on the Tyne and that the image probably belongs to Howard.
General National 12 chat / Twitter?
04 Mar 2010, 04:43
Mrs M is now on Twitter so that she can tweet about Burton Week.  She remarkably even has 2 followers - whatever these really are - although I have to admit that one is family.  Her tweets, however, are not making it to the Burton Week website which was the initial purpose of the registration.  Is there anyone who understands Twit who can explain?
If you want to follow her, her "callsign" is katymeds.  Watch out Stephen Fry.  No doubt there will be further instalments to come this week as we find out how much she does want to sail the Bloody Mary in 0 degrees,
Rosie White - can anyone beat this?
Guess who...
This place is on Portland.  We made an enquiry but have subsequently booked something else.
Tompot Cottage is available. 
£450 for the week and includes all heating, hot water etc and all bedding, teatowels and table cloth. 
1 small double room and two twin rooms.  Situated in Underhill area of Portland.  Sounds like it is not at the top of the hill!
General National 12 chat / Photographs
04 Nov 2009, 10:25
Katy and I are putting together a newsletter.  We want to include as many photos of National 12s as possible.  Please email me your favourites or link me to anywhere that you have already stored them on the internet.  Someone has to be on the front cover.  Will it be you?  Only restriction is that it needs to be 2009!
This new singlehander looks a lot of fun to me.
They have just had their first event and the following were notable inclusions in the sailing instructions:

Revolutionary Road
<font style="font-size: 12px"> 
Here are some of the ideas will be testing in Torbole:
Fewer races - maximum of 5 over three days (one discard)
Last race - Triple Points (so no one wins until it’s finished)
Limited intervention by judges and umpires (they can only act on the protest of another competitor. If a competitor initiates a protest and loses, he is disqualified).
The emphasis of the D-One format is “Putting the fun back into sailing.” We believe that these changes will make sailing more enjoyable, more accessible, less exhausting, less confrontational than the racing formats which govern most small-boat regattas these days. But we’re going to test everything, until we find the format that sailors really want, not the one that they are expected to conform to. </font>

I think that they have got some good ideas here and it will be interesting to see what emerges
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