National 12

Get your Norfolk Week & Hunstanton entry in quick

Started by grazz, 26 Mar 2009, 09:04

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Dear all

We've been informed that entries to Hunstanton (part of Norfolk week) will be limited this year and you won't be able to enter on the day (pre-entry only). So whether you intend to do the full week or just plan to enter the Gill series event at Hunstanton please get your entry in a.s.a.p

The full week runs from the 1st - 7th August and the Gill series event is the 1st & 2nd. The event is great fun and from the word on the street we expect there to be lots of 12s going.

The entry form can be downloaded from

Happy sailing

Graham & Zoe (we put ours in the post tonight)

paul turner (Guest)

Have just sent my entry off first class but sorry to see on the listing of venues that for the third year running no Brancaster - does anyone know why? :(
Also, would be interested to know how many are thinking of staying on to sail on the Saturday at Snettisham? It's not part of the main NWNW series this time unlike previous years. :-/

Antony (Guest)

Others with better knowledge may correct me, or provide more detail, but I think that it is fair to say that the politics of the NWNSA have been pretty messy this winter.  I was very sad not to post my entry form to Adrian Tebbutt, who Tom S tells me has resigned as Chair but is still involved.  Personally i am inclined to 'blame' HSC and BSSC for the various issues that seem to have arisen in the 60th year, but since all these organisations are presumably run by volunteers I will not be voicing my views too loudly.
Jennie may well know more, the list of venues and times was not what I was expecting either with more Wells and no Brancaster. 
We will not be staying to sail on Saturday, although i am very tempted to see if we can stick around for a cheesy party at Snett on the Friday night.

Little Bo

I am led to believe that a combination of the Harbour Master and other august bodies in Brancaster Staithe feel they cannot cope with such an influx of sailors .  It is incredibly disappointing as it is such a lovely place to sail and I know Adrian had been so very delighted when we initially were being allowed to go back there.  I understand he will be competing though, and that Joan will be dealing with the polo shirts so we will get chance to see them, and perhaps to acknowledge, individually and as a class, our thanks for all they have done over the years.   Our form has gone off in the post today - we won't be sailing over the weekend at Snett - there's a vintage meeting at Wroxham that weekend so we are bringing Roly and Xanthus on holiday with us, alongside the buckets and spades!
PS  Don't forget that the 12's will also be able to compete for the Jenny Lee trophy, which isn't yet fixed in terms of it's slot in the week - Overy Staithe is quite the best place in the world to sail and Peter and Melba always make everyone so welcome. 

Tom Stewart

Your comments have already reached the NWNSA committee. I am assured that Adrian resigned due to work pressure. I too am disappointed not to be sailing at Brancaster, still the most important thing for us, as well as for the organisers of the week, is to make sure that everyone knows about the pre-entry and gets themselves organised.
Perhaps we can do some early evening sailing at Brancaster with the Children instead.


Looking at doing the whole week, but one question...if you enter for the week does this include Saterday at Snettisham or is this a separate event?
aka Simon Hopkins<br />3252 Silent Running<br />Ex 3230, 3413, 3470, 3236

Gerry Ledger (Guest)

As I read it the week includes Saturyday not Sunday, but you can enter on the day for the day anywhere but Hunny.
David must have had a big post today, most of URYC have entered

It could be you... (Guest)

So how many slots are left for other classes then, or have they all done the same?  What do you think will happen when they get too many entries all at once, will it be a lottery, Salcombe Merlin style?

Little Bo

A family sail would be good on one of the non-committed evenings.  We could retire to the Jolly Sailor for some ale afterwards.
Oh for that lovely Norfolk sun!

paul turner (Guest)

Gerry/Fuzzy Duck - I read the notice and entry form as saying that NWNW actually finished on the Friday (with the prize giving that night) with the weekend being a separate event - I know that was what was intended by Adrian.
Unidentified guest user - don't panic - it won't happen!
Tom - are we talking about a mass trespass at Brancaster? Are you doing the whole week?
Little Bo - I do hope the Jenny Lee is a "goer" this year; it really is a fab place for the "ditch crawlers". Regret won't be able to make Wroxham - why does it always have to be at the end of NWNW?


It might be nice to register on this forum when entries are full to avoid disappointment and allow people to join us at the (conflicting) Salcombe regatta which certainly IS a full week.

Roly Mo

The Supernova class have a similar warning about needing to pre-enter on their forum! 


Quote from: 119Looking at doing the whole week, but one question...if you enter for the week does this include Saterday at Snettisham or is this a separate event?

As I read it there is prize giving for the week on Friday at Snetty . Then on Saturaday at 7:30am is the NWNSA Jubilee Trophy - which I don't think is part of the SBSC regatta weekend but we start with them ("single start for all classes").
My entry in already - not sure what craft this year though - but looking forward to seeing the 12s in action. One of our club is talking B14 - that should be interesting in Kings Lynn and getting up Blakeney creek.
A pity about Brancaster - but two days in Wells (as long as there is more water (and slightly less wind) this year!) is great - nothing better than phoning those at work at 10:00am with boat packed up and beer and bacon butty in hand sitting ouside Wells SC in the sun.

Roly Mo

We've just spoken with David Baddley, who is taking the entries and he tells me that there are 41 boats entered so far, 21 of which are N12's.  The rate entries are coming in has slowed down but it's still worth getting your entry in early if you are thinking of going.

Tim Gatti

Hi - Seb and I are now booked in for NW Norfolk Week - if anybody fancies sharing accommodation or has room in a house they have already booked please let me know.  Thanks Tim (N3227)