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Messages - paul turner

Hi Bernard - 4 out of five to qualify, but this is not putting off Kevin who is coming for the Saturday racing and evening meal only so I hope you can join us even if it is only for the Sunday (three races).

Verbal comfirmation of entries is now into double figures!

Ring that number! (07710 324800 charged at normal rates!)
Post that form!
Make that entry!
Sent that cheque!

Even if sailing on the river with those close banks, trees and pleasure boats makes it so scary in your new boat BK (from FOS)!
Yo Brain!

Hope to be there (but should I bring Dolly or Crazy D?) - but you havent booked in for trent valley yet!? >:(

Paul N2020/2487/3500
It's May Time - so it must be the (not to missed!) Trent Valley Open Meeting again! And it's another special year at TVSC - this is the centenary year of our clubhouse, and, we believe, the 70th anniversary of the first N12 open here at Trent Lock. The GILL meeting on 12/13 May is the first of three events for N12s this year, the others being the Summer Ball weekend 30th June/1st July with the Classic & Vintage Mob and the Vintage & 4 PLank meeting on Saturday 22nd September.

For the GILL meeting on 12/13 May, first Race Saturday 13.00, second race after a late lunch and possibly a crews race (if time and tide allow!) after tea.There will be a talk by Kevan Bloor about sails(!) at 19.00 followed by supper at 20.00 (with a folk band afterwards). Sunday breakfast at 08.00 and race 3 at 10.30, race 4 at 12.00 (ish), with the last race after lunch.

A downloadable entry form will be available soon, but it would greatly help planning and catering if you could let us know of your intention to join us by emailing Thanks
Hi Dave Borrett wot I bumped into at the the Dinghy Show - sorry not been in touch but lost your email address.

Good luck with the boat - do give us a shout if you need any help.



PS Trent Valley is never the wrong side of anywhere for interesting river sailing, good company and fab teas and suppers now that we have a new stewardess in post!  8)
Greetings James - pleased to hear that you have re-joined TVSC - I will circulate the Club to see if we can find any victims, sorry, volunteers to crew for you. Are you doing NWNW this year?

And don't panic Rosie, we will sort out transport for you. Team TVSC will be visiting Attenborough on Sunday 6th May so we should be able to move "Eric" that day for you.

Paul N2020/N2487/N3500
Hi Kean!

Please pass on to everyone at SCSC our thanks for organising an excellent open meeting; good weather, a bit of a breeze, great organisation and a great day's sailing (even if we did sail like a pair of muppets (excuse was that Shirley was seriously overhung from her works leaving "do" the night before ??)) and let Mr Kitching beat us in his vintage yot). Shame more didn't turn up!

And watch out you northern vintage sailors, Mr K has "carbonised" his boat and is going very fast!

We look forward to seeing y'all at TVSC on 12/13 May!

Paul N2487
Regretably we will not be seeing much of our Ken (N2300) this season for family reasons, and it may still be a little early for the northern brigade to come out of hibernation, but hopefully we will see lots of southern vintage boats? Have you rung Brian Herring?
Hi Kean!

I will be there with Dolly Daydream N2487 - but not certain which of the "Coven" will be crewing!

Incidently vintage yotters, I have just rescued N2020 the orginal Starfish for restoration.

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