National 12

Boat Loans - Burton Wk

Started by Antony (Guest), 27 Apr 2009, 02:29

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Antony (Guest)

This is a final call/ appeal:
If you are not coming to Burton Wk please consider lending your boat.
We still have people that would love to join us at Burton Wk to try a 12 and enjoy the class that we all love.  However, we are still stuggling to meet demand with enough boats.  If you have a boat that is definitely not at present coming to Burton Wk and you are willing to lend it to somebody please let me know as soon as possible.  Do not let logistics put you off, it is amazing what can be achieved to get a boat to and from the right place.
To show that I am serious about this marketing effort, both my boats will be there and a third boat will be sporting my spare sails....

Antony (Guest)

Me again,  I meant to add that we are looking for both DB and AC boats.
I meant 'struggling'!

Mike S (Guest)

N3274 is available and I'd certainly be keen to see it out on the water. Maybe someone will buy it!
Lying at Island Barn and is on a combi trailer so should be easy to get where it needs to be.
Mike S

Antony (Guest)

Mike 'you have email', thanks for the offer.
That is two more boats in 24 hours, and some more logistical options in case boats from the SW become available.....
We are still one DB boat short ....
N3514 & 3292

John Hugo

Antony, N3475, ( Winder Feeling Foolish), could be available, but being based in SW Scotland there are logistical problems.   I might arrange to deliver the boat part of the way a few days before BW, e.g. as far as Northampton to pick up new sails from P&B if they are ready in time.   For more info phone me on 01576 470282, or e-mail  

Antony (Guest)

Another very kind offer.
I love a logistical challenge almost as much as Meds.  We were actually thinking that the greatest logistical challenge might be set by somebody from Salcombe!
I will drop you an email, but suffice to say that i already have a couple of ideas about how to get it there.... do you want it back?

Antony (Guest)

My email bounced!  Can  you drop me an email, i cannot call tonight but otherwise will try to talk to you tomorrow.

John Hugo

I could probably collect my boat at the end of Burton "Week", or shortly thereafter, coming all the way to Thorpe Bay if necessary.

John Hugo

My correct e-mail address is   I included my second initial in a senior moment, or was it just post Scottish Champs fatigue?

James A

N3498 Paradise pudding is available. Needs to be collected from Southampton as I'm still at uni and can't compete.

Antony (Guest)

Thank you for the offer, i am going to try and pair helms to boats next week and will be in touch if we need to take you up on it and can see a way to make the logistics work.
Any more kind offers of boats or logistical help?