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Topics - DrJohn

Saw N2207 (Alchemy, March Hare design) up for sale on Facebook market place. Considering it looked like a pile of firewood (half the deck off, obvious rot around the keel) I think the seller was flying a kite asking £300. Don't think it is much longer for this world.
Back in my teenage years, I owned one of the early Starfishes (Starminx,  2018). I haven't sailed a 12 in 50 years, and doing so now would probably be a very bad idea (too old, creaky and fat). However, my trainspotterish fascination with 12s, and old clinker 12s, never seems to have gone away. There have been a couple of Starfishes up for sale recently and I dithered about whether  to buy one (mainly with a view to preserving a historical boat and maybe occasionally sailing it when conditions weren't too challenging) and eventually let my better judgment win. But the hankering is still there.... if anybody hears of one in reasonable nick, I'd like to hear about it. No promises, I might still be sensible....

John Brooke (also 1466, Proctor VI, and crewed Gipsy one Burton week in the 60s)
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