National 12

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Topics - hollandsd

Hi All

I have started the refurb of my National 12 today and have started my first blog.

If you are interested take a look:


General National 12 chat / Refurb 3210
21 Mar 2013, 07:56
Hi All

Im planning a refurb on 3210 when the weather improves.


The boat has the lever style shroud adjusters that need to go, the rear tank (that leaks badly) is going to be removed and changed to bouyancy bags, new blocks and roped all round.

Also new mmast step and replaced bits of wood here and there.


Does anyone have any good images of the inside of a baggy that I can use as a reference please?


Is there anything obvious I can do to improve her turn of speed? I have a nearly new set of sails and the mast although alloy seems in good condition.


Any feedback and ideas would be most appreciated.

I will try to take as many photos during the work as I can.


I have recently purchased Baggy 3210 and was wondering about rig setup.

I have read through the article posted on the site but cannot get the rake measurement accurate with the method described.

Does anyone have any details/reccomendations of rig settings with measurements from the tip of the mast to the transom to see if I am in the right ball park?


General National 12 chat / Wanted N12
06 Jun 2009, 08:44
Hi Guys
I am hoping to buy a national 12 but am looking for something cheap to get me  going, preferably not a vintage clinker built design preferably a 4 planker, i intend to be sailing it on the sea with my girlfriend so our all up weight would be about 20 stone all up when dry.
Does anyone know about any boat for sale that arent on the for sale list that are cheap to start me off.
e-mail me at
Many thanks