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Topics - ifoxwell

So as much as I encourage Hannah to play the jib there are still plenty of times where it is useful to cleat the sheet. Pepsi currently has cleats mounted on top of the centre board capping but she struggles with these so what do others do?

So Hannah and I are hoping to bring Pepsi along to Burghfield for our first 12 open meeting. Its a bit complicated with family commitments etc but Ive just pay'd the entry to provide us with some added incentive :-)

Its described as fast a furious event so what can we expect. I do vaguely know Burghfield from racing a Blaze there 12+ years ago so what are we likely to have in the way for courses, number of laps, how many boats, will we be on the same course as the OK's etc etc.



Pepsi 3441
Hi All
Hannah and I have just bought Ian's old boat 3441 and Id like to find out more about the boat and his achievements in her.
Can some one put us in touch
Hi people
We have just returned to the fleet and have bought 3441.
Lovely boat that has been well restored but is let down by its foils.
I have the rudder in hand but could do with a descent centreboard. If any one has a spare kicking around that would fit in a Waller foolish Id be interested.
Not to be two fussy but I'm looking for something really nice, if I cant find one I'll just restore / try to improve, the wooden one that's in the her already, but Pepsi is in such good shape I feel she deserves better.
Any one?
Slim chance I'm sure, but does any one have any data on the underwater shapes of the significant designs from the last 20 years.

No particular reason other than I'm in the market for a boat, and I have an interest in trying to understand the differences.




So as some one keeping an eye on the second hand market at the moment I could have sworn there was an add for Fatso on this site last night... but as I was out I couldn't pay much attention to it but i log on this morning and cant find it.

Am I imagining it or did it sell in 12 hours?


So its been 5 years or so since we were sailing 12's on the Medway and back then the DCB had just taken over as the design to have.

So since then what have you all learned. Although Ive seen talk of other designs using foils (we had a home made foil on our chapter) why arnt they running at the front? And I see there is now a Hijack design... whats that trying to do that the DCB doesn't, what direction are the designers moving in?

Hannah and I are keen to get back into a 12's now that our daughter is a bit older and perhaps leave our river and join in with the rest of you.... so Id be interested to hear about whats changed and what you all think we should get! (19st all up and cant afford a DCB)

Hi all


Looking for some sails that fit our mast.


I'd be happy with something second hand but as I'm unlikely to find some in reasonable condition who makes sails to suit.... and who woudl you use!


I guess the subject says it all...
Whats the prefered method for attaching the controls to the clew of the jib?
I currently have both joined to a thin line with a small plastic bobble on it, a loop of which is passed through the jib and hooked over the bobble. I hate having to tie knots here as my eye sight isnt that great and I find it a pain to untie but the bobble occasional gets caught up so I'm open to suggestions. 
3453 Email
I had built myself a T foil
for Email over the last couple of weeks and we had only our second sail with it
this weekend.


Last weekend was very light
F0-1, 2 in the puffs and I was amazed by just how much lift it seemed to
generate in so little wind.... So I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised by
the problems that we had today.


In brief all I'd built so far
was the blade itself... For adjustment I used a conventional lifting rudder
stock and set limits on the blades movement at about 4deg positive and 1 deg
negative figuring that this would be a good starting point for a basic on and off


The problem was what looked
like a F3-4 on the beech turned out to be a solid F5 gusting 6 and we were
pretty much out of control whenever we headed off downwind.... and as the start was
a run.....! Essentially even with my foil set to what I thought would be off
the lift generated was so great that we couldn’t keep the Bow up. We didn’t go
in but the constant battle to keep the boat under control and to get the bow up
to take some of the load out of the rig resulted in the foils eventually
ripping off.


I’m not that upset by it all
in fact I half expected it, all part of the learning curve however I would like
to know from those more experienced in these things what they do in strong
winds. Is it all technique? Is adjustment key and I’m better off getting an
adjustable pintle setup that works first… or do you ditch the foil on the silly
days and just stick to a normal rudder blade?



3453 Email
Morning all

If the picture is attached... how does this work. Looks very neat and light.

I'm in the process of making myself a T foil for Email and I'm looking for ideas on how to mount it... so I've more than just a passing interest :-)


3453 Email
Just finishing off email and note that the carbon rod fitted into the end of the boom (Angel) for the outhaul to run up and down on is badly worn. As the system actually works really well I'd like to keep it so I'm after a cheap easy supply of a suitable carbon or stainless rod.

Any one any suggestions


3162 (For sale)
Hi all

Finally bought a more modern boat 3453 Email. A DB Final Chapter

Its not been used for quite some time and i didnt like some of teh controls so I've started be tarting it up the cockpit area and restringing her, but I'm having a problems coming up with a neat and simple way of stringing the lowers.

I'd like to route them out to each side of teh thwart with the kicker?

I cant be the first so does any one have some pics of a working set up that they could post to give me some inspiration.


3162 (soon to be for sale!)
So as the current generation of boats with foils seem to have made a small but signifuicant step forward what have the rest done to try and keep up.

I know there are a couple of Foolish's out there with a T foil converstions on them that seem to work... but what about the other designs.

And what about centerboard flaps, rigs and jib/main ratio's etc .Has any one played with these on older designs recently.

Dont suppose any one has an off cut of something like 12x12" 2mm carbon or GRP sheet they want to sell me do they?

Simple enough question I guess



Appears that we have done a bit to well this year in Bicycle clips and the Medium fleet is starting to moan about our PY (even though in terms of the club prises we did better in the Merlin, 29er, Buzz, that we had previously) The club currently use the age related PY, in the same way that they do for Merlins... and Tigger, an old Tigress sailed by a good helm but normally a scartch crew (the only other 12 at the club) does ok but not birlliantly using the same PY numbers

So how many clubs use age related PY's and how many just stick to the published RYA figure.

General National 12 chat / Cirus Icon
14 Feb 2011, 03:05
Probably poor form to discuss a competing boat on this forum.... but I'll ask the question any way.

Are there any twelve sailors on here that have tried the boat or at least seen it sailing. How does it compare.

I'm asking because we love our 12 so much (Bicycle clips) that we would love to get a newer, stiffer, arguably more competative design but there just arnt any around for sale at a price we can afford. We tried to buy 3462 a couple of weeks ago and one other that I tracked down privatly that hadn't even been offered for sale at that time, and even though I was the first to contact them, offer the money, arrange to view, for some I didnt get a chance to buy them! And they were the first newish boats I'd come accross in about 8 months.

I'd love to buy Old Socks but cant really aford that much... and that got me thinking...  If I could afford it would I be better off buying a new Icon any way. New boat, new class etc  etc.

I suspect I'd find that we wernt big enough to enjoy it in a blow and that it would be too boring to sail, both technically and in terms of the whole sailing experiance.... but am i being unkind.

Not really thinking of jumping ship so to speak, the 12 is just to much fun but when you cant find the boat you want it does get you thinking

3162 Bicycle Clips
Hi all

Any one know what a Full Force carbon mast is like, compared to say a Super Spars?


Errr... as the title says. 

Feels like months since we have been out so its good to be able to watch others sailing even if we cant get out on the water ourselves.

Keep them coming


PS they are on the Facebook page for those that havent seen them
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