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Messages - Steve Crook

Boats / Re: N2124 Winkle
03 May 2020, 02:04
N2124 appears in the Shropshire Sailing Club year book of 1970, owner J.M. Hall
Boats / Re: N1228 Zingara
03 May 2020, 02:01
N1228 "Zingara" appears in the Shropshire Sailing Club year book in 1970, owner G. Rogers
Boats / Re: N886 Flare
03 May 2020, 01:59
N.886 "Flare" appears in the Shropshire Sailing Club year book in 1970, owner R. Bowles
Boats / Re: N2772 Joker
11 Nov 2007, 08:43
In fact I sold Joker in about 1979 and it seems that there were a couple of other owners before Toby owned her.................
Boats / Re: N2236 Long Tall Shorty
26 Mar 2007, 08:39
I remember this boat being raced very successfully at Northampton Sailing Club during the 1960s by John Hakes, crewed by Arthur Waddel
Boats / Re: N2772 Joker
26 Mar 2007, 08:31
Joker was a modified China Doll. She was my second National 12. I bought her at Pevensey Bay S.C. and sailed her in the handicap class at the RAF sailing club at Burghfield. Subsequently I moved abroad and Joker suffered neglect until I eventually sold her to a young lad from Southampton for a token sum.
Boats / Re: N2101 Wild One
26 Mar 2007, 08:25
Wild One was my first boat - bought second-hand with money earned doing a newspaper round.

I never could afford a decent suit of sails for her - I'm sure that this is the only thing that stopped us winning the Burton! ;)

I bought her in Wisbech, sailed her at Northampton Sailing Club and at the RAF sailing club at Burghfield, Berkshire, and eventually sold her to a fellow club member at Burghfield.
Boats / Re: N1913 Lugo
26 Mar 2007, 08:12
Lugo was raced very successfully at Pitsford Reservoir, Northampton, during the mid 1960s when she was owned by Jim Lucas.
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