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Messages - helen

I know of 3 more boats joining us for Sunday who were not out last time.  The racing was excellent then and should be even better now.  

See you there????

Excellent day, 10 nationals out and 27 boats on the water.  Thanks to everyone who came and supported RHYC winter sailing, it was great to see so many people there.  

Thanks Antony for organising this, it was a really good idea and hopefully see you all (and maybe more of you) on the 4th December.  

Found a boat!!! (thanks Sam)
So how many will be there on Sunday then to join the other 5 12's we have out there???

See you Sunday

Just to let you know that the trophy was presented on Friday.  Edna, Herbert's widow came down to present the prize which, after a slight change of plan and realisation of how many trophys the 12's have at Junior week!, was awarded to the youngest sailor who completed all of the races and scored the lowest points. (and hadn't won another trophy)

It was felt that this kind of perserverance was something that Herbert would want to encourage.  

Edna was very touched that the 12's had gone to the trouble of raising the money and obtaining the trophy and would like to thank all of you.  

So once again, thank you

I have a wedding that weekend too I'm afraid but as it is in Suffolk I don't event think motoway changing will help me!

Sorry Tim, heard it was a fantastic event last year and would really like to have made it.  

Hope you get loads of entries but as you have the largest club fleet I am sure it will be a brilliant event at a very pretty venue (with cake!)

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