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Messages - chopper

Boats / Re: N2926 John B
16 Mar 2010, 08:46
Where is she now Dead or alive????
thanks Tim thats added to my day of confusion Im sure Ill get even more when I take my Iphone back to the O2 store in a minute
the original name of my pipe dream really would have been socialy unexeptable Tobbaco road now Kaon but have no idea what Kaon means so if anyone knows please let me know before I change it
It was nice meeting up and having a chit chat.
Thought it was a gr8 show this year couldnt go anywhere without bumping into someone i knew or knew me lol
Think for older boats its unreasonable unless clubs are forced to use suggested handicaps for single bottom boats. My crusader 3179 Gillespie is quick but very dificult to sail at 1089 in most conditions Of course there conditions where its possible but seems unfair.
regards Paul
PIPEDREAM Is 6ft 3" D8 is 6ft 6"
hope this helps
Boats / Re: N2954 Kaon
19 Feb 2010, 07:56
Chopped the transom down this evening to give a much more modern look and took off 1/2 kilo.
yes indeed Tim Chopper by name Chopper by nature LOL but dont worry im not doing it to Gillespie
Boats / Re: N2954 Kaon
14 Feb 2010, 05:03
Latest on Kaon just stripped decks to bare wood stuck down the panels that were coming loose (thank heavens for Wests and a heater.
Decks now to be painted Bright Yellow ( yes I know its not varnish but decks are still useable just no longer pretty)
at the same time gonna try and loose some weight this week by cutting down transom and taking some chunks out of where ever I can get away with it.
Then hopefully renamed SHARK INFESTED CUSTARD.
Then I can get on with giving GILLESPIE some much needed TLC
Anyone going to the boat show on Friday (opening day) If so do you fancy meeting up for a drink and talking 12s LOL
regards Paul
Im in essex
regards Paul
Been talking to powers that be and we could have a open at Dabchicks sailing club in Mersea Island.
would anyone be interested??
please leave feedback
regards Paul
advice received with thanks. one of main reasons for starting with deck is side decks are in a bit of a state had several repairs, my thoughts are to reduce size of decks and make as light as possible the pipe dream will only be used for inland opens would be nice to have one thats down to weight think I need to loose 20kg.
Want to view this as a project boat happy to play about with it a bit so any advice on weight loss graciously received spose keel removal would shed a few pounds.
does anyone know where I could get some foam even if its off cuts.
I have a idea to lighten my old pipedream Kaon I am hoping to strip off the decks and replace them with frp ones to bring the weight down anyone who lives in essex and could help (I have very little idea) would be most welcome and kept suplied with beer and tea lol.
regards Paul
Have owned this old news letter for years as it had a section on my old boat Paws.
I was reading through and saw a pic o of a one planker made by Nigel waller to a design by R.Chance just wondered if the boat ever made it to the water.
We are trying to get a fleet together for next year  at Dabchicks Sc (west Mersea), so far we have 4 but I own 2 of them.
Anyone interested in some summer sea sailing??
regards Paul
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