Although the numbers attending were slightly down on last year, the
entry of 13 was still a goodly turnout. The weather proved to be a
“curate’s egg” – glorious sunshine with a 5 – 7 mph breeze but from the
worst possible direction, being NNE, guaranteed to cause havoc in the
Doldrums upstream of the Clubhouse.
Race 1 saw a downstream start with a reach to the first mark. First
round were Graham & Zoe in their new DCB followed by Tom White & Maria
in a 4 plank China Doll and local boy Ally Britton in his Mum’s
Crusader. Gerald Copsey gave the fleet a 5 minute start in N3280 but
caught them up as they came to a halt in the Doldrums. The boats
disappeared from view upriver to sail a loop course at the top of the
river reappearing 40 minutes later with Graham leading Tom with Chris
Day & Sophie in 3rd.

Race 2 after lunch saw the same loop course being posted but three boats
were over the line at the start (John Sears for the second time). Graham
lead the way uphill again followed closely by Ally, Tom and Dave Peacock
& Tricia. Powered by local knowledge, James Clark & Christine Marshall
crept through on the far bank but as the fleet broke out of the trees it
was Graham followed by Chris, James, John, and Dave disappearing from
view. Graham stretched out a long lead, followed by Chris and then Tom
who had clawed his way back up the fleet to third, finishing just ahead
of Dave, John and Philip David & Anthony Copsey. There was also a very
close battle between James and Sue Jones & Mary Brookman to the finish
with James just pipping Sue to the line.
Race 3 saw the breeze increase – there was a spectacular start with
everyone heading flat out, and in very close company, in the right
direction – at least half the fleet were inches from line as the gun
sounded. Graham, now sporting his winged rudder, roared away from the
fleet; Chris (Foolish) and Dave (Paradigm 2) opened a decent gap over
the rest of the fleet, but despite the magnificence planing power of the
three DBs the whole fleet caught them in the Doldrums and Chris got past
Graham. Normal service was resumed shortly afterwards; Graham and Chris
followed by Tom, John and Dave broke free to do battle out of sight of
the Clubhouse. The final order was Graham, Chris, Tom and Dave.
The final “scores on the doors” were:
1st Graham & Zoe N3530
2nd Christian & Sophie N3513
3rd (and 1st AC) Tom & Maria N2765
Special mentions – The boat-less Chris Troth & Laura sportingly
travelled from Olton Mere to race Starfish N2020 and TVSC Merlin sailor
James Clark (crewed by Christie Marshall) also borrowed N3157 from the
Turner Collection. Nick Copsey who dunked his younger sister in the
drink in race one; father Gerald heroically sacrificed his day’s helming
to deputise at the front end of N3411 following the (perfectly
understandable) mutiny of said sister! The usually very fast Ally Briton
came 9th; possibly his concentration was compromised by having the
lovely Charis Richardson crewing for him. Thanks to Race Officer Ken
Goddard (who cunningly made every mark a gybe mark) aided and abetted by
Paul Turner, Roger Briton and numerous other members of TVSC (to whom we
are very grateful!) Entertainment was provided for the spectators by the
Commodore John Richardson who whizzed up and down in front of the Club
house in his Thames Rater with 300ft mast.

The next MAAT event is Sunday 4th July at Welland (the day after the
Vintage Handicap meeting at Frampton on Severn) – full results to date
will be posted soon.
And finally........ 2011 is the 125th Celebration for Trent Valley
Sailing Club – you can bet that there will be lots of special events to
watch out for!