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N3505 Chunky Monkey

Started by National 12 Webmaster, 09 Mar 2007, 06:07

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National 12 Webmaster

The life and times of N3505 Chunky Monkey.  Design: Big Issue 2, designed by: Phil Morrison, in 2005


Over the Autumn / Winter 2006-7 the National Maritime Museum Falmouth ran a display on Twelves featuring Westwind (N456) and Chunky Monkey. At the time Chunky Monkey was the newest Twelve on the block and Nathan Harding very generously allowed NNMF to display her whilst he completed his studies at Cardiff Uni.

The name Chunky Monkey comes from Nath's favotite Ben & Jerries Icecream!

The attached pics were taken on the day I set the exhibit up in Falmouth.

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