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Burwain Sailing Club meeting 13th September 2020

Started by Carbonara, 12 Aug 2020, 07:21

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Hi all
Burwain Sailing Club have agreed to host a meeting at the club on 13th September as Yorkshire Dales where an open was due to take place have cancelled all open meetings this year.
At Burwain we have been club sailing since June following the guidelines, with signage, sanitisers etc. and working out of the dinghy park with limited use of the clubhouse. We are confident we can run the N12 meeting following these procedures and with competitors following the current guidance on crews and sailing two person boats.
We have four boats confirmed so far and two possibles. There is enough room in the dinghy park for at least 15 cars and boats. If you are thinking of coming we would love to see you but please let me know so i can keep track of numbers. Please bring a packed lunch and camping chairs. Planning an 11am start with two back to back races either side of lunch.
Patrick Hamilton

paul turner

Yo Patrick. I heartily applaud your efforts to get the open meeting circuit running again, and I would love to be there but I'm not certain that the partial release of lockdown yet permits two people, not of the same household or "bubble", to sail together in a small yot - unless someone knows otherwise? Px :-\


Hi Paul,

Latest RYA Guidance suggests double handed dinghy sailing is fine, as long as helm and crew's heads are 50cm apart and there is no shouting!

Full details here:
N12 - 3198, 3513, 3551

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