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Salcombe Week 2006

Started by John Murrell (Guest), 14 Jul 2006, 01:37

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John Murrell (Guest)


Trailer parking and Salcombe is a perennial problem! This is the reason we are offering competitors the availability of leaving them in the school playground this year and in so doing contribute a fiver to the school funds to help with extracricular activities - possibily even sailing!


Dave Croft


I thought trailer parking was free if you left them in the park n' ride up the top or has all that changed now? How many boats have entered this year? I would be worried that the 12's would get moved to a morning start if the numbers are small. I hear the RS's are getting keen on the regatta despite the fact that an asymetric isn't the best down-wind configuration for the estury.


John Murrell (Guest)


The Town Council have decreed that trailers don't look pretty so they don't allow them anymore!

Somehow I, like you, thought that Salcombe was all about boats and that trailers come with boats, however our local councillors beg to differ.....................


Dave Croft

Shame they haven't banned the seagulls and the late night bus bringing the revellers back from the fleshpots of Kingsbridge!



Kingsbridge Fleshpots?!?!?!

The butchers up the high street doesn't stay open that late....  :P

Tally Ho! (Insider pun)

Jim N3130

P.S. Anyone need a crew member? I wouldn't mind.....

davidg (Guest)

Salcombe Week is the premier event for Merlins
Burton Week is the premier event for 12's

I don't think that this is ever going to change.

Salcombe is a brilliant venue for older 12's, I have no problem with 2935 showing me the way around!  Salcombe also has to compete with Bass week and Norfolk Week.

By the way, isn't Meds doing well in a 35 year old Satisfaction!



Dave Croft

Well I did say "tongue in cheek!". Seriously though we did get woken up at some ungodly hour when a bunch of drunks arrived back on the late, late bus from Kingsbridge a few years ago.

I would dispute that the Merlins think Salcombe is their premier week, it's a close second to their champs but I will admit that they don't have any similar, competing weeks (like NW Norfolk for example) to dilute the entry. Having just sold my Merlin (a Canterbury Tales) I was thinking that a well sailed Satisfaction or similar would be a good bet at Salcombe and Meds has proved this to be the case (I wonder if it will be up for sale after??).  I think things would have been different if there had been a low pressure system or two this week.

Mike S (Guest)

Looks like Tom won his protest and it's all to play for going into the last race.
And Fran & Antony seem to be getting the measure of the beast - improving with every result

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