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Salcombe Week 2006

Started by John Murrell (Guest), 14 Jul 2006, 01:37

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John Murrell (Guest)

Do you have Salcombe Regatta planned into your schedule this year? :o
Have you booked your accomodation?
Have you sent your entry in? ??)

Reduced price entry finishes on 1st August! 8)

Entry forms can be downloaded from

So far only Meds and Mr Greening have entered! :-/

DavidG (Guest)

I understand that Med's is taking our threat so seriously he is attending the practice regatta this week!


John Meadowcroft

This is true.  We have taken up the opportunity to do fishing boat week.  Sailed it for the first time today, reasonable breeze.  Safe to report that we have no where near mastered what we should be doing with the coloured sail at the front.  Performance appears to be best when it is hidden it its chute.

Anyway match racing Mr Greening does not sound as fun as sailing against more of you.  Please enter!



Sorry but I can't make it this year :'( - had to toss a coin to choose between Salcombe & Porthpean.

Don't let our absence stop the rest of you going to what is always a brilliant regatta!


David Wilkins
3481 Cooked to Perfection

Dave Croft

Sadly for us this is the third year we haven't manage one of the Salcombe weeks, once again we'll be spectators at the Cadet champs.

It would be nice to know how some of the 12 sailors are getting on in those boats with the funny mainsails this week. I haven't seen any results so far but I would put a few quid on Antony and Fran (Fran being a x-Cadet sailor won't have any problems with that third sail). Dave C


Shall be down in Salcombe with daughter (but without sniff! yot  :'() - too far for Nuttyshell. So spectator seats only I'm afraid!

Jim N3130

Dave Croft

OK Answered my own question! see:^merlin-rocket^Marchand_Petit_Merlin_Rocket_Week_Competitor_List_2006/

in Brief, Tom is 5th with a 3rd on the first day, Antony/Fran 33rd with a 17th and Meads 63rd with a 32nd. They race in flights as you can't get 96 boats on the line at Salcombe! It's scary enough with 40+ believe me!

DavidG (Guest)

Also noticed Andy Douglas crewing and one Derek Davies dns!

jon p (Guest)

If anyone needs a crew for salcombe I am in salcombe as of the 12th.  Although i have not crewed a 12 before I race regularly in my Vareo so am not a  novice and know Salcombe pretty well. And who knows by then I might have my own 12, although it would not be in Salcombe.  :'(

let me know if anyone is interested!

Jon (12stone ish)

P.S. finding the right  boat is harder than I thought!

davidg (Guest)

Attn. John Murrell who I assume was in the box yesterday!  Was Mr Gifford (10th) covering Mr Meadowcroft (11th) to the finish yesterday?  Watchhouse webcam was not working so I couldn't tell!


Dave Croft

Funny-  no matter how big a fleet you are in you end up racing your mates!  Meads could do well in that old boat he's sailing if the wind stays light.

I see Tom had a second yesterday.

John Murrell (Guest)

And today....................................

well the results dont tell all, Tom got a bullet (he thought) but the cannon was empty so was posted as OCS. He is protesting...................

As to the rest, go to the results page!

Mike S (Guest)

For me it was a choice between Salcombe and Bassenthwaite and this year Bassenthwaite won. So many choices, so little time!!

Dave Croft

Shame about Tom's OCS. I see he got his bullet yesterday so that must have fired him up! Anthony and Fran had an 8th I see.

I can't understand how the Merlins can get nearly 100 entries but we struggle. OK I've been off the scene for a while but Salcombe is a great venue for a family holiday mixed with some competitive racing and where both modern and older boats can compete on equal terms (on some days at least). It's not that long ago we had 30+ on the start line. Is this part of the problem? - the modern boats don't like the idea of being challenged by some oldie?? ........ooooh getting controvercial now!!
Dave (tongue-in-cheek)

Tim L (Guest)

Don't think it's that Dave - it's the older boats that seem to be staying away.  Maybe we have things the wrong way round - pushing the champs and not really advertising Salcombe Week very strongly.  Salcombe is definitely better for the majority of family crews - the champs is quite a slog by comparison...

It's  a critical mass thing for the Merlins I'd guess - they know they're guaranteed big fleet racing every year so it's easy to justify the cost and travel distance for Salcombe (which is not one of the cheaper summer regattas, especially with them trying to charge for trailer parking last year - all the little 'extras' start to give the impression of being taken advantage of...).

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