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Carbon Rudders

Started by FuzzyDuck, 25 Sep 2006, 08:16

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With the dark winter nights approaching, 2.5kg of redundent wood removed from inside Fuzzy Duck and plenty of varnishing ahead

Don''t worry Jerry said I could take it out, he built it so I trust him, untill the first screaming reach that is, then we will find out if I need a new hull!!

Any way back to the original thread.  I intend this winters project to be a carbon rudder.  Back in the 80's, yes I am that old, we used to make the cores of our rudders from balsa wood.

Is this still the case!  Most of the carbon manufacturing I am experienced with are thin panels and this uses foam cores.

What shouild I be looking to use for the core of my rudder, that will give me the strength and lightness I need.

I look forward to some of the secrets to be revealed.

Fuzzy Duck.
aka Simon Hopkins<br />3252 Silent Running<br />Ex 3230, 3413, 3470, 3236

John Murrell (Guest)


There is a section on foil building on this site under Owners / Technical. The other site that is really helpful is the Cherub one. They give very detailed info on all aspects of building including foam foils.



Thanks for the response.

I can never get the members section to work.  It always tells me there is some sort of error. Don't know what I am doing wrong.

I will look at the Cherub site.

aka Simon Hopkins<br />3252 Silent Running<br />Ex 3230, 3413, 3470, 3236


Hi Simon, I also can't get into that part of the website. Error messages abound!


Jim N3130 (Beat the plastic out of fantastic!!!!!)


To log in use the userID "ntoa". The password is a word in the N12 yearbook (i.e. the one with all the contact details in) follow the log in prompt to find which word. The password doesn't change often so click YES when the browser offers to save it.




Thanks for the response but I cannot even get that far.  I do not get an oppurtunity to enter any password.  If I click on a subject form the drop down menu I get an error message.

Where do we enter this password?

aka Simon Hopkins<br />3252 Silent Running<br />Ex 3230, 3413, 3470, 3236


Try go through the main site and the links on the right hand side - I added mine ages ago and it 't changed.  If you save the password no need to do it again.

If all else fails email NTOA.



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