National 12

Thank You Kevin

Started by DavidW, 29 Oct 2006, 10:58

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Another Gill series has come to an end - Many of us have enjoyed some brilliant sailing and great socials - Saturday at Grafham put the icing on the cake! Well done Kevin for the organisation and running of the events.

Could you perhaps post the thoughts on the possible change of format here to ive us a bit more time to consider and to establish the views of a few more members?

David Wilkins
3481 Cooked to Perfection

Roly Mo

Who won overall and the various sub sections?

Roly Mo


Thanks David, I am pleased you enjoyed the series, that is what it is intended to be all about. We should also thank GILL, especially Nick, Terry & Nigel for all their support during the year. It is their involvement that make the series possible for us.

Results will be winging their way to our web-master for posting on the web-site later today.

Proposals for POSSIBLE changes to the GILL series (nothing has been decided yet) will be posted this evening for all to see.



John Meadowcroft

From memory the overall winners were

1.  Tom Stewart & Liz Ross
2. Graham Camm & Zoe Ballantyne
3.  Frances Gifford & Sophie Mackley

Admirals Cup

1.  John & Alison Cheetham
2.  Jerry & Margaret Garner


1.  Nathan Harding & various crews
2.  Felix Newall Smith & various crews


1. Gavin & Jasmine Willis
2. John & Alison Cheetham