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Open meeting in the midlands.

Started by OMSC, 28 Aug 2008, 10:43

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On Saturday September 6th, Olton Mere have our open meeting. We are a small club but with a healthy fleet of ACs racing every week. the regulars out on a sunday, and by regular I mean 2 in 3, are moolshallow, foxy, Gordon and le Shed.
We have a cheese and wine the night before, and a pig roast on the night, with floor space on club premesis in the attached cottage for anyone who wants to attend either event.
the club is just south of Birmingham, and it would be a pleasure to welcome any visitors.

Roly Mo

Sounds really good and one I will try and get to next year, this year we are committed to sailing at YOSC for their 70th birthday bash that weekend.
Hope the meeting goes well,

martin 1262

Hi- Will be there on the day in White Heat
What time are the races?
Won't be able to stay for the evening but looking forward to the racing..
Martin  :)

paul turner

Greetings Olton Mere! Hope to be there in N3157 Perfect Kiss, but only for the day's racing. Please advise times, location , cost etc. Thanx, Px :K)

Crusader 3244

Hello to Olton Mere from quite possibly the most recent recruit to twelves.
I bought N3244 'Why Can't You!?' today.
I only started back sailing in the last month after being 'out' for twenty plus years.
Just possibly I could join you for the 'craic' this Saturday. Small point, despite the claimed pedigree and provenance of N3244 the vendor could not pass on a Certificate. Naturally I will want to address that but I'm not sure what progress might be made in five days. Are you guys as fussy as the Kennel Club? I don't imagine I would be in the prizes!

Is it feasable to arrive Fri eve and sleep/camp over?     thx     Chris Palmer N3244 'Why can't You!?'
Chris, 3244


More details for you:
Location is B92 7AN
club website
the club will be open from 9.00 in the morning for those who want to be early, 3 race 2 to count, 11.00 first gun, aiming to be finished in good time for those travelling.
the club's philosophy is for fun sailing that is as inclusive as possible, so as long as you are insured and willing, you are more than welcome. as long as we know beforehand we can accomodate a couple of crews in the cottage on the friday evening, although it would be good if you could arrive before we inbibe too much of the cheese and wine!

Crusader 3244

Great, I just have to work out what a few of the unfamiliar pieces of string do and then obtain permission and a 'pass out' from the boss. 'Think we might get to rig and test her today.
Chris, 3244

martin 1262

I used to own a Crusader 88, so if you need any help rigging, let me know!
Usual fee, ie water at windward mak, if needed!!!!

Crusader 3244

My thanks to Kevin and Martin, I was with the boat for a few hours today rigging and familiarising myself with the three suits that came with it. A few teething troubles due to her having been largely idle in recent years. Once I fettle the mast and track so halyards and sails run freely then refit a couple of control line cleats that came adrift we should be right.
C/board is deep for some parts of Redesmere so I wonder if she'd still be manageable if I fashioned and fitted something between four and six inches shorter for club use there?
We have the necessary permissions so providing I feel the boat's ok and I've had chance to get familiar with the handling then we'll make the trip.
Chris, 3244

Crusader 3244

Hi again to OMSC, I think we will be able to make the trip south to contribute to yout entry list. Could you accomodate father and son team in the cottage? What would we need? We have camp beds and sleep bags. Best guess is arrive circa 7pm on Friday. Many thanks.

Chris palmer
Chris, 3244


Any results to hand for this one?

martin 1262

It has just been posted!. Well done Paul, sailed immaculately during the day in what at times was very wet!
Many thanks also to Olton Mere for hosting the day, I think despite the weather everyone had a great time!
Martin  ;D;D

Crusader 3244

Thank you ever so much for the write up - it made us smile! Thanks to all at OMSC for the great reception, race organisation, and the overnight use of the room in the cottage. We thoroughly enjoyed our two races. Especial thanks for the concern and help proferred when we had to abandon our attempt to start the third due to Ben being cold, he soon warmed up in the showers. There's no denying the weather was truly abysmal but OMSC, Paul and Martin were great and the visit was well worth the effort.  For the record there actually was a point during our return trip around Stafford on the M6 where we rigged the boat and towed the car!
Chris, 3244

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