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Topics - NWNSA Webmaster

Final results for the week are now posted at  Feedback here would be apprecated.
Nationl 12 and other fleets results are now available at
The new sailing instruction for this years event have been posted on the web site,  We look forward to seeing you again at this years event.
On_line entry is now available, payment is via PayPal and no account is necessary, See or
Norfolk Week entry forms should be sent out snail mail this week.  Hope to see you there.
Hi All There is a proposal to provide an online entry form and payment by PayPal ( you dont need an account ) just a credit card. Do you think that you would welcome and use such a facility.

Ian Holland
The draft programme for 2010 is now on the web at There will be an entry limit at Hunstanton of 65, same as last year.
Ian Holland
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