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Messages - tom lee

the auto-release cleats are adjustable. if its releasing when it shouldn't you need to increase the release force.there is a washer under the cleat which you twist to adjust the force
We will be there.
Angus, I'll bring your streaker sail

Sailing instructions now available online.

If you are intending to join us, please pre-register. it saves you £5 and helps us with planning the event.

See you on Saturday


We will be there
bear in mind that if there was a leak,  it would be on the joint between the hull and bulkhead!! So putting the boat in the water would not show the leak
buoyancy low down is allways good. but it is possible to empty a crusader filled up to the gunwales it does take a bit of practice to perfect the technique!! see this thread:
StuW, the battens would be at the wrong place (they are supposed to be within 55mm of a leach measurement point)
shrouds to transom: 2040mm
mastfoot center to transom: 2390mm
centerboard bolt to transom: 1940mm
hevent got front of centerboardcase measurement to hand
Hope this helps
General National 12 chat / Re: First 12
02 May 2015, 01:35
hi Fred,
for the rake have a look at the tuning guide on the website, it explains how to set it up. basically, set the boat level to its water line and hang a weight from the main halyard measure the rake horizontally  from the  halyard to the mast at gooseneck level; this should be about 300mm for medium winds.
General National 12 chat / Re: First 12
02 May 2015, 07:29
Hi Fred,
These measurement sound reasonable. everything on a 12 mast is normally measured from the sheerline not the mast foot.
here are the measurements for mymast as reference (carbon):
Sheerline to gooseneck: 690mm
Sheerline to spreaders: 3040mm
Sheerline to hounds:4623mm
 the rules limit height to the top of the sail to 6100mm abvove the sheerline

hope this helps
Yes Neal, 3545 will be there
I had the same problem with firefox but hitting reload fixed it
I would advocate a general simplification of the rules, we seem to have quite a few rules which have no effect on performance (sheerline rule and the fore triangle height rule for example) there are also illogical rules for example, rotating masts are banned but canting masts allowed.
I agree with Andy on the weight measurement, we should include the rudder, boom, jib stick and sheets.
On the sail plan, I'm in 2 minds, part of me thinks we should simply have a max sail area (no increase on current) and leave the shape free.
I think we need to keep a minimum mast weight removing this rule would allow the cost of a mast to spiral upwards. The old argument that carbon masts will become cheaper than aluminium has so-far been proved wrong; a carbon mast is currently 2 to 3 times the price of aluminium.
One more thought, you don’t have to change class rules to influence boat development; a change of format at events can influence boat design and setup. Short course racing would bias development towards boats that can turn corners easily while distance racing would favour straight line speed.
Having said all that, I think the best way to increase interest in the 12 is to have more boats at events and show we can have fun in all sections of the fleet. In my view the first step to achieve this would be to drastically reduce the number of event to avoid diluting the fleet most classes have less than a dozen events per year.
finally in response to previous posts:
- designers in the class are very open with their designs and advice. I guess they don’t publish their designs to help protect their ideas. After all, they have to make a living. I think the best way to encourage home building is to have moulds available.
- headroom can easily be increased by raising the boom on the mast
- I think  it is possible to make a temple vang within the current rules. The rule only says that the boom must be capable of passing through a 102mm circle, it doesn’t specify the axis of the circle so it can be twisted round the 90degree angle of the strut. Other option is the system used on scorpions. Gnavs do horrible things to mast bend.
Yellow submarine will be there
please pre-register to help plan the catering !! you also save £2 on the entry fee by pre-registering
there will be prizzes for foilers, 1st non-foiling and first AC
Yellow submarine will be there
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