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Messages - David_Wilkins

:-/Well this was on my list of meetings not to be missed however, our other club's other class' open meeting is on over Sat & Sunday. With rather more boats there than the normal club racing we have a bit more chance of seeing some behind us - an opportunity not to be missed!
This was not an easy decision - Henley is amonst my favourites.
To those of you going have a fantastic day and say hello to our old friends!

Anybody available to crew at Ranelagh  - I hate letting a trophy go without a defence - they are few and far between for me!!!

Look forward to hearing from an enthusiastic creew.


phone 07810 502348
Well done Arthur - you kept quiet about that today!
Cooked to Perfection is also planning to make an appearance - looking forward to seeing you all again!

Very well said Ian.

Being a development class is not all about constantly changing the rules, nor about throwing out most of those that have given us the fantastic boats that we sail. If you prefer thr tiltle restricted class then so be it - that title hasn't held back a few other classes that we could mention. Yes it would be great to be totally competitive  to the point where you have an equal chance on open water at 95Kg or so - the reality is that to be so you do need to find an lightweight crew - I know I've tipped thescales above that for long enough now, however it is still possible to get some respectable results even at that weight, especially on restricted water whilst hugely enjoying your sailing. Discussions aren't held in camera (though C.A.M.R.A. might be relevant!). Rule changes come about from the members. If you want to see changes the way to do it is by a proposal that then gets considered by the members. We could always add a bit of length, sail area, a spinnaker perhaps, oh and a couple of trapezes and we would have something which would favour heavyweights a lot more but I have a feeling that it just may no longer be considered a National 12!

There used to be one at Henley SC as a club boat - Penny Spender (2612 if I recall). I don't know if its still there.
Does this have Ranelagh's approval now?

We'd just got to thinking we could hold on to the beautiful trophy for another year without having to prove worthy of it!!!
Seriously though - a great idea. Well done Alistair.
Hopefully Ranelagh won't mind.

Definitely interested - the winds there seem to have favoured me more frequently than at Ranelagh!
You all still need to plan to come to Spinnaker just in case Alistair doesn't manage to pull this off!

The loss of Ranelagh this year makes it all the more important that you all get to Spinnaker this weekend to accumulate your Thames Area Scores.

Sad though - I was looking forward to it.

Phil - Foul!! I was sailing the Twelve on Wednesday but where were you??? Oh, and will you be planning to launch before the class flag comes down again on Saturday (I believe that starting with the boat pointing towards the first mark rather than towards the rest of the competitors is generally considered the faster option!!!!!!!!!!!) ;)
My slot gasket is now stuck to the hull all the way along its length. I'll have to buy a bit more string before attemting the block on the boom - hopefully I'll get a chance to print off the instructions before I need them and the laptop can stay at home!

I'll be there for a burger or two also.
Looking forward to seeing lots of you there on Saturday.
Remember we're just a few minutes from the coast and in the New Forest so there's plenty for any non sailing family members to do.

Slight problem here - still no crew!
Is there anybody out there who can help me give Mike & Anne and a few others a run for their money at Desborough on Sunday??

Please call or e-mail
07810 5023418
Just need to find a crew and I'll be there too.
General National 12 chat / Re: Handicap
27 Apr 2008, 10:57
Simon - two anwers in as many minutes, can't be bad! When I posted my reply I saw John had done so first!
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