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Topics - Chadders

Less that a week to go now and Teams Roly Mo and Philips are already in Norfolk practicing, Tim Gatti has his super fast Starfish lurking in a tent at Oulton Broad, Triarda is loaded and ready for the off (having spent the last trip out on her trailer watching DCB's in action) and the posh folk from Alderley Edge are also tuning up!
Who else is coming out to play?  Two races each day starting after lunch on Saturday and finishing in time for a BBQ (or pub if wet?) and starting at about 10.30 on Sunday to fit in with the cruiser and club racing.  Will Paul be able to break free and join us? Can Chalky make it from Aldeburgh?  Come on chaps lets make it another bumper year it is so much fun beating the Merlins and many other ancient craft and we need to take the trophy away from Bernard and Ellie who won it last year and I think the year before as well!  Hope to see you at NBYC.  Howard C  8)  aka Chadders
Who is coming out to play on this fantastic water on Sunday 24th July?  I will definately be going as will Neil and Rachel to sample once again the luxury of heated changing rooms and a balcony with a view, such a change from the old hut and Porta Potty!! 
Please indicate below if you can come or contact Neil by phone (in the book) or by replying to his email if you received it.  Three races two to count and a brilliant lunch what could be better.  See you all in time for a Bacon Buttie.  Howard C 
8)  Does anyone know what the race format is for the Tynemouth Open Meeting scheduled for this weekend? 
Sadly I am unable to do this one and I know that Neil McInnes is also unable to do it despite being a regular attendee in the past. Bernard Clark is campaigning in a Wayfarer this weekend, nuf said about that!  Neil has circulated a reminder with his emailed notice for Yorkshire Dales on the 24th July to known Northern supporters.
Please let Howard Steavenson know if you are able to do the Tynemouth event by posting here or contacting him direct, his number is in the book.
Just to confirm!  The Hotel has asked for final numbers for our anniversary dinner by close of play on Friday 20th May which is now two days away!  Tickets are being sent out to those who have booked this week and anyone who has not booked and paid by Friday cannot be guaranteed a ticket.  Numbers are almost into 3 figures now, speakers and cake all sorted so if you are still to confirm and want to join us please do so by Friday latest. Booking forms must be sent to Janet Bloor together with full payment as per the form on the website.  8)
Hi all just a gentle reminder that as at today you only have 10 days to enter Burton and get your place in the draw for a new Pinnell and Bax Jib, the same deadline applies to early entries for the Anniversary Regatta at Northampton.  Enter for both and you get two chances of winning the jib.  Both events are set to be very special so please dont miss out. 
It is also a good time to send off for your Anniversary Dinner Tickets whilst you have your pen out as numbers are climbing and we dont want you to miss out. 8)
We would like to contact as many past Burton Winners and Association Chairmen as we can in order to offer them the opportunity of coming to the 75th Anniversary Event but we still need contact details for a small number of them.  Can you help?  If anyone has any contact details for any of the people listed below please email them to
Richard Creagh-Osborne, John Oakeley, Richard Roscoe, Patrick Pym,
Hugh Welbourn, Richard Cross, Leslie Ross
We would also like to contact any Burton Winning Crews but do not have information on all our succesful crews so if you have any information then please email that too so that we can send the information to them.  Many thanks  Howard
Hi chaps who else is coming out to play at Newburn?  the NOR has just arrived for an 11.30am start and and a chance to grab a sail during this warmer weather!!?  Squidgy Bits is planning to go anyone else coming along?  We had a great sail in October and a fantastic turnout so I am looking forward to a great start to the Northern Series.8)
Any one coming out to play on the river at Newburn this weekend?  Squidgy Bits will be racing anyone coming to join us?
Anyone fancy some really interesting sailing at Yeadon the day after Ripon?
Please let us know if you are coming along and do not believe all you hear about submerged shopping trolleys!  It is however a tad shallow in places but a great place to sail and practice in close quarters with other boats.  Yeadon is only 15 miles from Ripon and a pleasant drive after a nights camping at Ripon.  Please post here or let Tim Gatti or Howard Chadwick know if you are coming along as we too are shopping for prizes etc.
This year our open meeting at Yorkshire Dales will not only benefit from some of the best water and winds in the North but they also now have some superb facilities with under floor heating for changing as well as superb catering and panoramic views for the spectators.
Squidgy Bits will be sailing as long as Helen gets back from ash bound Portugal on Friday so who else is coming out to play?
Who is coming out to play at Ripon on Saturday 15th May? 
This event is a Derwent Handicap Style event so everyone has a good chance of winning, it is also the first one in our 2010 series. It would be very helpful to get some idea of support and we look set to have a good turnout with travellers threatening to come from Nottingham, Cheshire and even Scotland as well as our more local boats. If you intend to come along please do let us know, if you would like to make it a weekend we also have an open meeting for all 12s at Yorkshire Dales on Sunday 16th.  Come and join us, please indicate below if you can come or give me a call if you need further information or contact Jennie Clark if you need help finding a crew.  Howard C aka Chadders  8) 8)N various
Unfortunately the Derwent Reservoir Vintage Open Meeting this weekend has been cancelled due to low entry numbers. Howard C aka Chadders.
Who is coming out to play then?? 
Declared entrants to date include Tim and Bernard who are both coming via NWNW, Brian Wady in his 11A, Brian Herring with his Doll, Jonathan from deepest Essex, Vince threatens to bring his Wisper also via NWNW and my Starfish is already on the trailer and ready to role.  This is the most relaxed event of the season, great sailing, great BBQ and all run under Jamie Campbells rules hence prizes bear no relationship to finishing positions (but the points do!!)  N1 is just up the road and almost ready.  Any more takers, just add a note and confirm below please?? 
Howard C  Nvarious
Hi chaps can we tempt any more vintage boats down to Frampton this Saturday? At least 4 Northern Boats are going as well as several more local boats, who else is coming out to play??  Brian Kitching is already slaving over a hot stove to cook our lunch and I am sure he would like to know if any more are planning to come down so dont be shy pop your name below and come and join the fun.
Howard C aka Chadders
Hi all who is coming out to play then?  First event of the series at Ripon on Saturday 16th May and the first race is at 1200 hrs!  So fer we have entries from Frampton, Trent Valley, Redesmere, Ripon and Yeadon.  (The Yorkshire Ouse Fleet are keeping us guessing)  The galley will be open and we have at least one spare crew so how about coming to join us.  It is also a "Derwent Handicap Event" and you need at least one of these to qualify for the series!  A great way to tune up for Burton so come on chaps, see you on the water.  Howard C  aka Chadders
Hi all just wondering who is coming out to play on the Tyne this Sunday? 
Eleven am start and it should be sunny and warm (ish) so it should be a good sail!  The OOD promises not to send us into the trees and the pub is on standby for after racing so what could be better?  Squidgy Bits is going, who else???????????
A combination of the revised format for the Burton in 2009 coupled with the performances of Richard White, Paul Turner and especially Tim Gatti at last years champs seems to have sparked major interest amongst vintage (and Northern) boats for Thorpe Bay next May.
So far I have firm indications from at least 7 vintage boats that they intend to go and some have already booked accommodation!  Others are thinking about it and at least two vintage owners in the North are coming but currently need to be persuaded to switch from more modern craft into their proper boats. 
For the avoidance of doubt the term vintage refers to clinker built boats (ribbed or glued) and not necessarily to the age of the helms!
Please feel free to add to this post if you are coming to join us.  A Burton website should soon be linked to the class website so please look out for it.
Howard Chadwick    Vintage Wing Representative (a.k.a. Chadders)
N2, N2266, N2769 and N3356  8)
We have a Northern Open meeting at Derwent scheduled for next Sunday, its a great venue and Team Squidgy is all set to go but so far I have seen no details of start time etc??  Does anybody know and who else is going??
Please post some positive replies below or we are going to be very lonely.
Howard C
N various
Hi all its the Wroxham vintage dinghy regatta this weekend and several of us (at least 3 of us from Yorkshire and one from Cheshireare) are heading off to Norfolk.  Who else is coming out to play??
Howard C
N2, N2266, N2679 and N3356
[face=Calibri]Just a reminder that we have a Northern Area Open Meeting at South Windermere on Saturday 17th May.[/face]
[face=Calibri]The club has the benefit of some of the best scenery in the country and some challenging winds to keep the racing interesting.  Details of the club can be found on the web site which is:- [/face]
[face=Calibri]The first race is scheduled for 12pm to give time for travelling, rigging and sailing out to the race area. (which can  take circa 20 minutes)  Three races will be sailed back to back with each one in the region of 50+  minutes and the best two will count for the overall result.[/face]
[face=Calibri]This is the first time in many years that we have been to South Windermere and we are hoping for a good turnout.  If you are coming along it would be very helpful if you could either email me or put a comment below so that the club know how many of us to expect.[/face]
[face=Calibri]Look forward to seeing you at South Windermere and good luck to all those heading for Annandale this weekend.[/face]
[face=Calibri]Howard C[/face]
N2, N2266 and N3356  (
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