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Messages - martin 1262

Hi Patrick.

Might be able to make it but just juggling family commitments.  However will need a crew.  If there is anyone available just post here.   If I am there it will be first time out in Talisman.


Martin 2576
Hi all thanks t everyone who raced and the club for laying on a great days sailing. Another warm welcome from the club and 3 well run races.  The racing had everything including a dead heat in race 3.  Wow!!   Thanks Chris for lending me a crew she did great!!
Thanks Chris.  Yes will be there.
Hi if you can source a crew I might be able to make it!! It will be in my china doll though so they will have to accept being [size=78%]lapped round the course!!![/size]

Need to know Friday afternoon.  Thanks. Number in book

Martin Clarke 2708
Thanks to Paul and all those who helped out,  for another interesting sail in Tvsc. Always a venue that sharpens your senses and did not disappoint this time.  suffice to say got home ok with lovely clean sails and the buoyancy test done for another year.  M&M
Sorry can't make it due to 18th birthday celebrations this weekend.  Hope you have a great time.
Fully intend to be there in newly restored China Girl 2708.  Think I have crew sorted

Hi Dave.  Yes I am hoping so too.  When you have a moment it would be interesting to see how you have fitted out your boat. Got some thoughts about what I would like to do be good to compare.  Cheers.  Martin
Hi. Looking to join in but first event will be the vintage champs as my only 12 is undergoing work including a new decking. Hopefully she will be ready in early June Martin 2708
Boats / Re: N2306 Sticky Fingers
08 Mar 2016, 08:49
Dave. Really pleased she has gone to an enthusiast ...   I would love to see her a afloat racing again. Plenty of help here also try cvrda site. Sam is a frequent contributor.  Cheers at least you have not risked much £££ hacking out costs nothing !!!!
Still room for crew at front of starfish. If interested just pm me. 
Agreed and was very impressed with indecision a whole lot of work and she looked superb. Esp like the raking rig!!!
hi. After speaking to Paul turner I have the chance to borrow one of his boats, and enter the champs this year. June 27th and 28th. 
Not sailed for 18 months so it would be good to get back into a vintage boat again! 
my one small problem is I don't have a crew so anyone looking for a meander on what will hopefully be a pleasant June weekend?
Martin ex 3458, 2306 and others!!
Paul. Sounds like you have found something to keep you busy!!! Anyway agree with the comments if I can add to this I am in the process of restoring an old streaker and have used a belt sander with a 40 grade which is very abrasive but was able to control the speed of the belt. This gives you some control but only did this on the outer hull. I have tried nitro mores but never got on with it it seemed very long winded when dealing with lots of layers of paint. Using the belt was very effective over some poor epoxy repairs and epoxy as you know is tough stuff !!Give me a bell if you need any help!! Martin
Boats / Re: N3174 Doris
29 Sep 2014, 10:27
Paul turner buy this and you have both micro clippers!!!:)
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