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Messages - duncan

General National 12 chat / 24 Hour Race
22 Jun 2010, 11:19
Castle Semple Sailing Club is running its annual 24hr race this weekend if anyone wants to watch the fun.  We have some Challangers competing with patients / staff from the Spinal Injuries Unit in Glasgow. 
We are raising funds to build a disabled friendly clubhouse. 
As part of the weekend, we take beginners out for sailing experiences ( we would even take experienced 12 sailers out for a taste of a GP14 or Challenger  :B )
I know the loch's shallow, but this new rule change including walking laps is getting ridiculous
Now where's the slipway ??
Why's the water not the same colour as the boat ?  :o
Hi All, advanced notice of our meeting on 17 & 18 July in the Scottish series.  We are an inland loch, ideal size for 12s.  Further details will be available nearer the time, but would like an indication of potential numbers for catering and camping etc.  

Mobile homes can park in the counrty park car park beside us.  Log cabins are available a few miles away in the country park but will need to be booked fairly soon as this is the Scottish holiday period.  We can manage a few tents in the dinghy park otherwise camping in gardens or the country park.  Hotels etc available within a few miles.

Any queries , please ask  -  also possible numbers please
Many thanks  Duncan Elder

ps if anyone needs a crew or can offer a spare crew, I shall broker this service, also if anyone is mad enough to want to bring a spare boat, I am sure we would find some experienced members who would like a sail  8)
agreed :):)
John, still looking for a crew both days, Duncan
So that's why the numinous is so fast, all the rivets are removed for you ;D
Paul, agree with Roly, ask your club about age h/c.  I sail off this at Castle Semple SC, though there are always grumbles from the others ;D or me  :o depending on the conditions.  Our national committe also are very attentive to our views as 3414 now is in the single bottom boats, thanks lads, the club won't half curse you now  .  Back to laser hunting. 8) 

Found that conditions are probably the biggest influence ( surprise) followed by the fear factor - the sight of me planing on my side last year had a few keeping well away - wonder why ?  I retired to the kitchen !  Not chicken, just nearly ran out of water. 

Any ideas greatfully accepted on how to stop a boat, already on it's side, boom straight up in the air which doesn't want to stop planing when your running out of room.  Also are you in control, some of the others who won't go near a 12 think I was in as much control as usual ? :(  That did hurt.
Many thanks, it's as I suspected
General National 12 chat / boat shapes
25 Feb 2010, 10:46
I currently have a D8, can anyone give me an indication how similar ( or not ! ) the plan layout is to a pipedream.  Looking at widths in particular with respect to covers.   I know a cover for another model will fit, but how well ?  Many thanks  Duncan

ps plug
ice now melted on Castle Semple loch 8) ,  & looking forward to hosting a round of the Scottish series in July, if you have any queries please email me :)
John, sorry to hear about the clubhouse, hope you get the damage fixed ok, Duncan
slainte mhath John & to all,
John are you not frozen solid, we are at present, the 12 would probably glide over the ice surface with the grace of a highland dancer, Duncan
Got mine today, see what you mean, before I try to water it down a bit  8) , is the type water resistant, don't want to loose the paper & have a neat pile of letters to stick onto a softer colour, might get them out of order :B ? 
ps, bet you didn't know that GPs had bars in them ;)
Angus, is he not too heavy to be a dangly pole, or are you swapping crew & pole for tactical reasons ?  Hope not, as it is difficult enough to persuade the youngsters to crew for me, they seem to think that a 505 is safer than a 12  :o  probably as it can't turn over  ??) 
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