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Messages - duncan

I have been trying to work out the best way to rig the jib sheets on my Paper Dart.  I think it is totally original (jib pole, not dangly pole) with the fairlead slides on the top of the tanks & one pulley & cleat through the gunwhale.
Compared to previous 12s I have sailed, the jib sheet fairlead seems to be pretty far out board, & the boat does not seem to sit as close to the wind.  Do you use barber haulers to pull the sheeting angle into the centre of the boat ?  The only problem with this is there is only one cleat, & older crews are commenting that they can hold either the sheet or the barber hauler.  Younger crews are not so good at keeping things tight when beating. 
Have been thinking back to other classes I sailed in the 70s & 80s, & wondered if anyone had some thoughts.
Thanks  Duncan
Hi Angus, that's what I remembered, Jerry many thanks
I am looking for any historical information regarding transporting boats to meetings in the pre or post war years.  I thought I remembered an article, but can't find it.
The reason for this question comes as an aside to another one from another forum, rail transport, where there was a query regarding "boat waggons."  This has been discussed & probably does not relate to heavy wooden boat carriage, rather steel plate carriage. 
I would presume that a 12 plus mast would be carried in the guards' van or special van with end doors due to their light weight & susceptability to damage, or would they be car towed in 1930s to 1950s ?  If anyone can give any information or photos & do not mind it appearing in another forum, I would be greatful.
Many thanks  Duncan
Boats / Re: N2801 Solitude
07 Nov 2013, 08:16
now resident at Castle Semple Sailing Club, Renfrewshire
Sorry, no play Angus, boat in pieces still  Duncan
wait till you try to sail one with a 13 stone crew - ( or letting the crew have a wee play ) - put the stem right under.  crew decided they were good enough to go out with another youngster as crew - ie achieved conversion to 12s
If I remember correctly, there was a book about UK's boat designs with quite a few diagrams.  Next time I am visiting my parents, I will have a look & let you have more info.
quote   Stuff it and use a as a 'crew' for very light conditions.
I prefer the club mascot, a teddy bear hung from the boom   8) , smaller than stuffed man.
You couldn't miss that start line flag 8)    Looks to be a blue ensign as it is so dark (though poss red), could be from the local yacht club
Rolly, I hate to say it as a Scot, but the petrol station is in England  :(:(:(
Traffic update for those coming from the south, petrol 113p/l & diesel 115p/l at Shell station on M6 north of Carlisle. 
A76 closed at Mauchline with large detour so suggest not using A76.  Duncan
Angus, tent space allocated, Duncan
Angus, will be there, but will be looking for a crew, not too serious a one !   Duncan
We have a few (careful !) members who would be interested in racing a 12, if anyone is able to bring a spare one & willing to lend it.  To date they have sailed either a Tiger or D8.  Could anyone let me know & I could put the members in touch directly, if wished.  
Looking forward to seeing as many as possible at the Scottish Series Open Meeting at Castle Semple SC on 17th & 18th July.  This is a new venue for N12s, usually we hold GP14 meetings, so it would be nice to get a crowd.  The first race will be at 1pm Sat.  
The entry fee will include Sat even meal (hopefully BBQ), Sun breakie & lunch, food will also be available on Sat lunch & the "Cake Fairy" has indicated that she will be present.  ( This is why most sail GPs, too many cakes  ;D )

Directions to the club at .  There is a large car park for motor homes.  If you are wanting to camp, please contact me so I know how much space we need, phone number in the events diary.

To help with catering, could you put a reply here.
Many thanks   Duncan Elder
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