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Topics - MikeDay

In the absence so far of any official notice from club supremos (yes, that means you, Messrs Thornton and Meadowcroft), this is just to remind you that the annual opportunity to sample the distinctive pleasures of the river at Henley (roll-tacking, trees, motor cruisers, BIG windshifts, great tea on the lawn and a really friendly welcome) comes up on Sunday 20th September.  There's an absolutely enormous old trophy to race for.  Last year, we had the 2008 Silver National and Burton Cup winners going head-to-head so you can be sure of great competition.  The usual format is three races, with the first before lunch at 1100 ... I can't imagine it'll be any different this year.
This is the penultimate meeting in this year's Thames Area series.  We finish at Twickenham the following week.  So that's just two opportunities left for quite a lot of people to get to the required four meetings to qualify.  In the lead right now is Jon Ibbotson by virtue of being the only qualifier so far but all could change on the river ...
Mike D
Following Thorpe Bay Tuesday, my old Chipstow carbon mast is in three pieces (and I have a nice new Selden, thanks to Steve Norbury).  The old bottom section is just long enough for a boom.  Before I start to fit it out as a spare, has anyone tried this?  Will it be stiff enough to deal with the kicker load?
Mike D
The next Thames Area meeting is at Ranelagh on Sunday 5th July.  As is usual, there will be just one long race on the Tideway for Ranelagh's wonderful Silver National trophy.  This was first raced in 1937 and carries the names of many illustrious (and one or two less so!) Twelve sailors.
The race is scheduled for 1230 and the start there is always prompt.  If the wind is light, you'll have a rare opportunity to demonstrate your kedging skills until the tide turns after 2pm.
It would be great to have a good turn-out for this event, which is always interesting and it will help ensure that we don't lose the opportunity to sail at this famous old river club in the future.
Mike D
Following last year's successful combined event, we'll be holding the annual Thames Area Prizegiving lunch to coincide with Ranelagh Winter meeting on Sunday 11th January 2009, the day after the Bloody Mary.  It'll be one long race for the prestigious Ranelagh Winter Trophy, with a c.11.30 start time (to be confirmed), followed by a terrific lunch from the same catering crew that brought you last year's event.
The lunch is open to anyone connected with the Class, whether you are sailing or not in the morning.  Ticket prices and more details to follow, but please save the date for now.
Mike D
Henley open is next Sunday.  As always, there'll be a warm welcome, traditional hospitality and some of the best river sailing you'll find anywhere in the country.  Usual format - 11am start, 3 races, tea on the lawn afterwards.  This is the penultimate meeting in this year's Thames series so chances to qualify are dwindling fast.  Do come and join in the fun.
Mike D
If anyone in Teignmouth is reading the discussion board, it would be great to have occasional updates.  Hope it's all going well ...
Mike D
- starts on 10th August.  There are 13 confirmed entries as of today with one or two conspicuous names missing (Meds ...?).  That should take us close to the 15 or so that has been the norm during the last few years and, given all recent doom and gloom talk, is not at all bad (especially as there are only 8 RS200s so far entered).
I think John Murrell is taking entries up to the day before so it's still not too late to sign up for this fabulous week, which I for one am looking forward to a lot.
Mike D
Further the earlier 'Ranelagh open 29th June cancelled' thread, I can now confirm that Ranelagh SC will be holding their meeting on a new date - Sunday 31st August.  As usual, there will be one long race - start time 14.00. 
Sorry for all the comings and going on the earlier thread and thanks again to Twickenham for offering an alternative venue for the original date at short notice.
Hope to see all Thames regulars at Ranelagh on 31st August.
Mike D
Sorry to say that we've heard from Ranelagh that, due to insufficient people being available on the day to run the event, they've had to cancel it for this year.
Apologies to anyone who was making arrangements to be there.
Mike D
The next Thames open meeting is at Desborough on Sunday 18th May - 3 races, starting at 11am, on one of the prettiest reaches of the Thames wilth an active local fleet.  More info at
Anne , flipside and I will be there - hope others can join us.
Mike D
Does anyone fancy a sail in Flipside with me at Ranelagh on Sunday 6th Jan?  Anne is organising lunch for everyone.  This opportunity is strictly weather-dependent - ie I'll be staying on the bank if too cold/windy as January is really a skiing month, not a sailing one!

Leave a message here or call/text my mobile - 07717 581632.

And happy Christmas to everyone.

Mike D
The final event of the Thames Area series is next Sunday, 30th September.  Come and enjoy this tidal stretch of the Thames and some warm hospitality from the home fleet.  It would be great to have a good turn-out of visitors.

Usual format is three races, first start at 11am.

Mike D
Do I need to sell Henley's delights?  Delicate river sailing, teas on the lawn, great old-fashioned hospitality, and your penultimate chance to get in a restricted water qualifier for the Thames Area Series.  And it probably won't be as wild as Thorpe Bay today.

Three races, start at 11am.  Hope to see you all there.

Mike D
It's the Lymington open this weekend - an event we're sharing with the Larks, Scorpions and Fireflies.  Their race calendar has an 1100 start on Saturday though I don't know any more details.  This a great chance to have a weekend on the sea and it's the first time we have been there, at least in the last few years, so it's worthy of great support.  And it's a qualifying event for both the Thames and SW series.  I'm sorry that Anne and I won't be able to make it - we have an important 50th birthday to celebrate in Suffolk, but I hope we get a good turn-out.  I'd be grateful if someone there could note down the full results for the website and also let me have them for the Thames series - thanks.

Mike D
The Ranelagh summer open meeting is on Sunday 3rd June - one long race on the tideway at Putney.  Anne's ankle is on the mend but is not due to be tested till Harwich the following week.  So, if anyone based in London would fancy a ride with me in Flipside, I'd be very grateful.

Please call my mobile 07717 581632 or email


Mike D
It's the joys of of river sailing at Desborough this weekend - 11am start on Sunday as usual.  I'm struggling to find a crew with Anne's ankle confining her to shore leave for at least another couple of weeks.  If any London-based crew fancies a sail with me, I'd be delighted to treat you to tea on the lawn afterwards.  Let me know - either post here or give me a call on my mobile 07717 581632.

Mike D
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