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Messages - Nathan Harding

One space free now!!
We have two spaces available in a house for the Salcombe bank holiday open meeting (5th, 6th, 7th May).  Anyone needing accommodation drop me an email  at or my numbers in the book.



Hey pip, can give you a lift if its needed as i should be coming down from Cardiff if the mast is fixed! I'm still unsure of accommodation as well. So if anyone has floorspace or a shed that would be fantastic?

Thats why you were master yoda in the fitting out of puppets and chunky
Hey James,

Might be interested....tried to call you tonight but it said your phone was off!

Hey john, as like last year i'm okay to help both days!

I AGREE with John, Emma, James. When i first got into sailing 12's 6 years ish ago it comprised mainly of club sailing at Saltash with 5-6 boats. It was great when 4-5 of us packed up the boats and headed to a LOCAL open meeting. Yes when we got there, quite often there were only couple of other boats that turned up, so it wasn't a publicity event. But why does that matter? People locally seeing 12's actively sailing in the area is more likely to get them into the class than reading an article in Y&Y. I didn't start sailing the 12 because of Y&Y it was because i saw the likes of John, Gill, Kath and Tim sailing them. In fact is still don't read it now.

So lets put this next season behind us (shame as it hasn't started) and start a fresh the year after and have a proper South West Series. If we want to race against the rest of the country leave it to the Gill Series, Nationals or travel to their events!

Also an afterthought and I'm not saying Kean hasn't done a good job. But can we not have someone down this way to organise it? I know i would like to be involved but don't have the experience as of yet....maybe in need of shadowing "Yoda" a.k.a John Murrell.


N3505 (Currently being a proper local boat sailing around the museum in Falmouth)
well done muddles, i think you've hit the nail on the head there!! Remember him hurting his back...cough cough
General National 12 chat / Re: Bristol
23 Mar 2007, 11:17
Try Tom Jefferies....... as  hes away at the min
Erm has James damaged his back turning over again..cough cough, is that why your thinking of boat names?

How about John Murrell, thats a pudding. Not linked to a new boat though as he's getting quite old!

I thought the new ones were 1093?

How longs it going to be there? As after this weekend mines going to be sitting still for quite a while due to team racing comitments!

I will be there with tim goodhew! Not entirely sure on dinner tickets. Possibly 3!

See you there,

Now i'm guessing thats muddles agn because its far too witty for lets say me jefferies......
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