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Messages - hairy dog

being a bit of an expert at making a Pipedream go slowly I have some thoughts on what I should have done (hindsight being a wonderful thing)

1. lightweight, flexible mast
2. decent, full cut i.e. powerful sails. Hull shape will give the height that flat sails would otherwise help achieve.
3. Rudder of larger size than the current vogue.  by getting the weight forward and the back end out of the wet stuff less rudder is in the water.
4. accept that you won't plane as soon or as long as Baggies or the newer designs.  Get in a tacking duel and beat them upwind and on light days.
5. Diet.
are these production buggies or development class?  Minimum weight?  GPS allowed as long as the charioteer doesn't look at it ::) ?  What flavour ice cream?

any chance of a cup of tea for some weary travellers in C2 ?

Dr Zogs sex wax.  available at all good surf stores.  Different 'flavours' (smells) available too!
General National 12 chat / Re: GPS
13 Apr 2007, 05:57
None of the detractors have so far put forward a case for how a GPS will improve their (or any one elses) performance during a race.

Yes, GPS or VMG instuments are used on yachts but the most succesful helmsmen (including ex 505 world champions) I have sailed with rarely, if ever, use them round the cans.
nice photo!

what about travellers for the shroud bases to run on?  These always looked effective to enable the boom to go right out.
NS14's tend to have them (although for slightly different reasons) and give another thing to tweak ;)
Boats / Re: N3306 Equity
15 Feb 2007, 01:38
was called Chalk Face because (I think) Chris is a teacher.
Boats / Re: N3031 Kablooie Too
12 Feb 2007, 05:32
no.  tom bought 3434 from me!
Boats / Re: N3031 Kablooie Too
29 Mar 2007, 10:33
3031 was my first N12 (in fact my first dinghy) and she made me smile when ever I sailed her (even when capsizing, sinking, coming last and generally being peed off I always wanted to sail her again).

I bought 'Pastiche' as she was originally called from ? at Bristol Corinthian and took her back to Yorkshire which turned out to be where she was built.  I was fortunate enough to meet Donald Acklam her builder at Yeadon. I have the plans Donald worked to and a long term vision to start an Australian fleet :o  

Given away free to Mike Cooke when he bought a trailer from me when I emigrated to Australia.  
I am a previous owner of 3434 having bought it from the builder James ? and despite its number 3434 is a AC boat with a rear tank.  I believe the design is a slightly modified Baggy and has 'bumps' as the waterline is slightly narrow.

Un-named when I bought her I called 3434 'Outlandish Words'.

Trivia corner - I was told the original blue paint was left over from the ill fated catamaran 'Phillips'
Boats / Re: N3285 Magic Dragon
29 Mar 2007, 10:12
I bought 'Magic Dragon' from ? at Northampton Sailing Club and sailed her at Welton SC (near Hull) and various open meetings on the northern circuit before Brian Herring bought her from me.
Miss E should be crewing at Hunstanton next year Mr Mo?
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