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Messages - DavidW

Glad you got home eventually Matt.

Spare trailer wheels are definitely worth having.  I spent years without then with increasing mileages to open meetings suddenly decided to invest in one - the next weekend was Pevensey open meeting and we had a puncture. It was so good to be able to dive into the boot and produce a shiny spare wheel! Bit of a jammy weekend that as we got a couple of cracking port tack flyers across the fleet too!

I've worked with 2 pot for many years -
if it's sound you may as well leave it there  - just fllat it back with fine glass paper if you need to go a long way (a random orbital sander works very well) and wet and dry.

Wet and dry used wet will get you a superfine finish ( use 320 grit and finer). Go over it again very lightly with wet & dry used dry to give it a key. Mix the paint and leave it for 20 mins to allow the bubbles to rise. While you're doing this you can go over the boat with a tack rag to remove any dust. If the weather is cold put the paint on a radiator to warm it up a bit and help it flow. ( I used to use wet & dry wet with an orbital sander and rubber gloves as I was told water and electricity weren't supposed to mix - I never had any shocking problems but i'm not recommending this!)
Make sure you've got dust free clothes and hair! Keep the temperature up a bit whilst you're working.

Use a good quality brush (some use pant pads or rollers - I haven't but have seen some excellent finishes that have been achieved with them)
If you're using a brush make sure that you don't change direction with the brush in contact with the boat or you may get bubbles. Build up the coats making sure that you keep inide the overcoating time that you can without rubbing down until you're ready for the final coat. Flat dwn what you've done with wet & dry as above then very carefully apply the final coat as above.

I seem to recall that I could get two coats out of a tin paint.

Oh yes - the fumes are a bit unpleasant and unhealthy so make sure that the space is ventilated. beware of some plastic handled items which can disolve on contact with the paint or thinners - similarly the pots you use to mix it in ( if you know anybody mixing baby milk the tins are perfec

If you do have any unused paint it will keep overnight in the 'fridge (advised to ask permission frst or make sure it's out before she looks!).

Happy painting


Suddenly I need a crew again thanks to a stray nail on the M40 leaving Jo stuck in Birmingham tonight - anybody out there?

Thanks Mike

Sam couldn't do last week  - I may be sorted now.

See you on Sunday.

General National 12 chat / CREW NEEDED!
27 Sep 2007, 02:14
Any light nimble people ot there fancy a crack at helping me grab the Twickenham trophy back from Fran on Sunday?

07810 502348

OK - summon up some of the East Coast fleet to go to Waldringfield - which is a brilliant venue but let's not forget the heritage of the 12 fleet at Twickenham - the trophy was presented in 1936- and the event has great appeal to some of us peculiar types that really enjoy the different challenges of river sailing! I've "drifted around"  there, sometimes in gusts from nothing to force 5 or 6, and gone back year after year and always look forward to it. This is another event that needs our support if it is to keep running and hopefully it will help to regenerate their home fleet.

I hope to be there too - sorry about the no show at Henley. To many other things to do and no crew - I'll be more organised this week (and I finished the wall paper this evening!)

I should be there John - just need to find a crew!

If there are any light spares at Henley please let me know.

Well done at Thorpe Bay you two!

See you Sunday I hope

Bob Murrell had a siimilar problem and did some major surgery - admirals cup front half with a double bottom for the helm - seems very pleased with the result - Paul turner went the whole hog and took out the floor!

Matt it's so long since we saw you I can't remember if you have  a thwart or the height of your floor. A low floor, a high boom and a high thwart seem to work well for us.

Hope to see you on the water soon!


We won't  be  - injured wrist - sorry!

Have a great weekend.


I'm hoping to be there along with Adele

Did anybody notice a sinking Pudding at Burton Week? A pudding was promised at Salcombe but none appeared and activity levels on this board have reduced.



Its organised by Parkstone YC - entry form and details  at    You'll need to fax your entry with credit card details as they must be received no later than tomorrow (Friday).

Any others coming?

Hi Simon

Salcombe last week - Brilliant!

The boat wasn't fully packed up last night and I'm sailing at Poole with Emma on Sunday (we thought it would be good to have a 12 there for at least part of Poole Week) - couldn't quite get the enthusiasm to pack up just to sail for 50 mins and then pack it up again - sorry. The rain didn't help!

Should be back again next Weds.

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