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Messages - David Allibone

Boats / Re: N1043 Huntress
24 Nov 2007, 02:00
Hello, I am returning to dinghy sailing after a break of 30 plus years. I owned 1043 from 1970 until 1976. I was eleven when my father bought her for me at Wareham boat auctions. She was in fairly rough order then and we spent a few weeks on repairs and varnish. For some reason I have no photos of her and indeed she came to us with no name or history. Has anyone any other information on her? Does she still exist? I hope so, I had a great time in her. She always leaked a bit and her demise came on the first sail of the season 1976, So much water came aboard throgh the caulking that I lost control of her and hung a shroud on a fishery marker in Christchurch harbour, breaking the mast.
It is interesting to learn she was called Huntress. If any one knows anything more I would love to hear.
Regards, David
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