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Messages - Dinner lady

Just to remind you some of you have not yet signed up for your own BIRTHDY DINNER!!! How can we do it without you there to blow out the candles? If you've lost the form there is a link on the N 12 page but it needs sending to Janet by post and we need to confirm numbers with the hotel in advance - tickets will not be available on the day. So don't delay!!!! 
See you in Northampton :)
General National 12 chat / 75th Dinner
04 Apr 2011, 09:26
As you all know plans for the 75th are well under way as is the selling of the tickets for the dinner! This is just a reminder to you all to get those applications for the dinner in. You can turn up on the day to sail but the dinner really needs to be booked in advance! Please think of anyone else you might know from the 'old days' who might like to join us although we have quite a few feelers out already to get back as many as we can from those whose names you know so well from the trophies. So get out your frock (that includes the girls too) and make sure you have your tickets....Janet awaits your money soon  :)
Hi Richard,
Lesley Iles here,Burton Cup winning crew of 1996 so suitably experienced in single bottom boats! I did Norfolk Week last week but probably not quite as agile as I was twelve years ago (but still just over 9 stone). I am down for the week but not keen on getting desperatly competative again, however the Burton Cup in a nice old boat is tempting. I presume its fitted with its own sunshine machine?! If I fit the bill please let me know either here of through the handbook under Kevin Iles.
See you there anyway
The hotel are pressing me for final numbers for the 70th dinner by the end of this month so please don't delay in ordering your tickets. Tickets will not be available at the last minute so please let myself or Janet know if you want them, even if you cannot afford to pay for them this month.  TA!
The hotel are asking that I confim numbers for the 70th dinner by the end of this month - so PLEASE don't leave it to the last minute to book tickets as you might be disappointed! Orders to either Janet or myself asap! TA.
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