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Topics - jeremyf

I have now started to re assemble Grimalkin and am thinking about issues like mast heel position / jib sheet angle etc etc.
I have read the 'tuning guide' with interest and will use that as my bible but can anyone start me off with some 'proven' settings for a Cheshire Cat ?
In particular :-
Mast heel position say measured from inside transom
Spreader height above s/l, width and depth.
jib fairlead position from centre line and transom or bulkhead
I hope a reasonable start point may avoid 'gruyere cheese' syndrome at a later date !
Now my 'makeover' of Grimalkin is nearing completion I am thinking about screwing back the bits I took off long ago... ( if I can remember where all the bits went).
One of the things I promised myself was new flaps,  love the idea of using a yellow reflective number plate blank for the flap itself but what do I do for hinges??
I have also seen Mylar proposed as a material - but thats all floppy ? how does that work?
Is there a supplier of a 'package' of bits anyone could recomend please?
As my Kitchen refurbishment has gone much faster than plan I will soon have approval from SWMBO to commence a little work on Grimalkin.
As I have mentioned elsewhere she is a very pretty boat and deserves a strip and revarnish inside. However I get bored very easily and the ammount of varnished area to strip and prepare is rather significant; also there are a lot of 30 year old glued joints!
I would apreciate some advice on what is the best method to remove the varnish, Chemical stripping, Hot air gun ??  I doubt that a power sander will be of any use except on the transom and decks, and they are ok. It is the fiddly bits, knooks and crannies that will be a struggle.
Tony E, previous maestro of 2760 deleted the forestay from its spec and replaced the wire jib haliyard with some very snazzy string ! Nice and light but ???
This weekend I did notice some very odd noises from the front end ( rig not crew) as we messed about on a very turbulent River Avon in about a 5 or 6.
What is the opinion of the accumulated wisdom on the subjects of a) not having a forestay and b) dynema vs stainless for the jib haliyard.
At the moment the missus is on sailing strike so my mate next door ( Ocean yacht sailor!) is first mate so we are about 24st between us, hence the rig gets some stick when the wind blows.
Thanks in advance for advice