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Messages - FuzzyDuck

I will wait for tomorrows post, cus nothing arrived here yet and I also posted mine the day the first post went up.

Come on Ken get that boat packed up. Will be good to see you again... isn't it 25 years since you left 'The Lanch'? woops given away your age, sorry!
Hi Jeremy,
Matt & I will stay for food before we drive back.  See you Saturday.
Same here, but about 6 weeks ago.
I think you need to read the small print on their website. First come will be to people doing the whole week.....
Only in June/july will they let weekend entries in.
Looking more likely we 'weekenders' will be turned away!
Hows that going to work for the Gill series if we are not allowed to take part!
have sent you an email
..and who won the Jib?
I agree completely with what John says having just done excactly the same on my boat at Christmas. 
One more note of caution. Make sure that the resin cannot run down the  plastic sheet and onto the hull.  I didn't and the follwoing morning I has a few major resin runs down the hull to the gunnels.... and yes when you chisel them off they do take all the paint off right dowen to bare wood!
Whilst talking to dare last night he told me we have 45 entries in before the deadline, so that now 1/45 chance!
Will be interesting to see who is in early when the BW website gets updated.
Sorry can't make Dinghy show, clashes with Dad's 70th birthday so we have to trek Up North to celebrate.
After a 'series of unfortunate events' on Sunday involving a broken tiller extension joint and a concrete slipway I now need some!
I have noted my attendence on the website. entry number 5.
Antony, you did make me smile with the:
"There is no evidence at all that these boats are significantly faster or slower than their peer group"
Next time you are on the sea I will give you a 5 gallon drum full of water to carry up every beat and see how you compare to the other boats that came out of the same mould. I think that is how much we had in Hot Fuzz on every beat at Teignmouth. Yes I know a deck would have made a difference but there you go...
On principle a development class should develop and people should be encouraged to update their boats.  What would be the step to far would be the inclusion of the early Foolishes in the AC class. If that happened you might as well make a bonfire for all the old single bottom boats.
The solution is simple, take Philip's very sensible idea. Create another prize. The more prizes the better.
Why not: vintage, four plank, single bottom, Admirals Cup, Double Bottom... Comments?
Derek, one you forgot to mention DB = painful Knees!
Have  emailed you outside this thread. Very Interested.
Boats / Re: N3470 Recidivist
12 Feb 2009, 04:20
For the record the trim on the sails was Matt's idea....
Boats / Re: N3470 Recidivist
12 Feb 2009, 04:18
Very astute Angus, she was going to be all orange. when I started the second coat I realised it was not going to cover the grey primer. Being Christmas week, I couldn't get another tin of Alert orange so that old tin of Fuzzy Duck Yellow came in useful! I call it artistic.....
Having seen all the notes about pre entry for the Gill event at Sunny Hunny, I duly sent of my entry for the first weekend.  I cannot do the whole week for work commitments.
At the club on Sunday there was mention of an entry list on the NWNSA website and that entry were already almost at their limit!
I visited the site today, couldn’t find a list but did see this note on the front page:
Does this mean that I (and I am sure there are others) may be refused entry to a N12 Gill event due to limits imposed by NWNSA and Hunny council? Or am I worrying about it unnecessarily.
I wait with interest to see if my entry is confirmed this week.
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