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Started by mutt, 22 Jul 2008, 03:23

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9.2 Only one set of cross trees or spreaders is permitted.

Wondering (Guest)

If you’ve stopped to think about any of your questions yourself, or if you’re just spouting?


Quote from: Wondering (Guest)If you’ve stopped to think about any of your questions yourself, or if you’re just spouting?

yes of course I have. have you ever stopped to think about whether our rules framed to good purpose or just an arbitary set of dimensions accumulated over time? If we have rules we should have sound reasons for them. There are a few that I can't see the reason - I'm asking.


Quote from: Wondering (Guest)If you’ve stopped to think about any of your questions yourself, or if you’re just spouting?

I think wondering is just confused, not interested.

Antony (Guest)

Is there are reason why you are posting lots of brief and seperate comments rather than writing an interesting piece explaining the benefits of removing each rule that you regard as superfluous?  It is too late to put any proposal to the AGM this year anyway, so a more considered article, perhaps with advice from others that want to take a counter position, might be a better use of your time than this series of posts.
All, or almost all, of these rules have a purpose and that purpose must have been supported in the past.  For example the battens rule was because fully battened sails were regarded as an undesirable seperation of the class in to inland rigs and open water rigs.. the full battens being seen as a bad thing on rivers and small ponds..
That said... congratulations, you are probably the only person to have spent a day reading the N12 rules in a long time!
See you soon,

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