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Topics - THG

Lets hope Grazz & Zoe can do us proud at the Endeavour Cup this weekend - have to get used to that 3rd sail up front though!

General National 12 chat / Helm please?
01 Oct 2007, 02:18
Sam - I'm crewless for Grafham so if you can crew for me that would be great.  Northampton I'd like to use my eldest son again - but there may also be more opportunities for the Burghfield mini series.

You can email me via the forum.

I know this is picky but Thorpe Bay is not the penultimate event in the series (unless Grafham or Northampton have been cancelled)! Probbaly Zoe was just too tired from all the hiking out  ;)

The ultimate is the last and final item in a series. The related words penultimate and antepenultimate refer to the second-to-last and the third-to-last item in a series, respectively.
Got the snail mail package on 2007 BW and other Chairman notes - saw the survey on future BWs but didn't write down the link and now can't find it on the site  :(

Can anyone post it?
Well what's the story???
I know you're all busy thinking about BW and the lovely hot weather to be had on the South coast  ;) but some Clubs are starting to think about events and calendars for next year.

If you think your Club would have enough support for a SW event then please let me know.  I posted this as SW / Thames as we've had some joint events where the Regions / attendees overlap a bit - Mike Day is responsible for that area though.  We should where possible try to avoid any clashes to maximise attendees.

From the survey repsonses looks like you want less travelling and so we may need more local events?  If there is less desire to qualify for a series wil this diminish numbers?  In the 'north' of our region numbers have grown somewhat in 07.

I'm out of the country for a few weeks  ;D but please start thinking / discussing any events or dates for 08 so we can hopefully agree a calendar early Autum time (or is that now listening to the rain pouring down and cooler temps??)

After being sold a while ago on eBay and looking very poorly she has been done up to what seems a very high standard;

Need to be quick though as time is running out!
Sorry to be picky but on p14 of the current Rachet - SURVEY by John Meadowcroft

"...activity in Club fleets (low) and confirms Regional Series are NOT important..., although conversely many do NOT want to travel long distances"

Have I mis understood or is this a typo?  I would have guessed the regional series ARE wanted but don't want to travel too far...the next issue is how to provide this if there are not enough local fleets to support events.



General National 12 chat / Ratchet
03 Jul 2007, 04:37
Congrats to all those involved in putting the latets Ratchet together - probably the best one (i've read).  ;D

Quoted below from Y&Y article on alchohol limits - is this another "HIP mess up" in making???  See the text 'more than 7 metres and / or capable of more than 7 knots'.  Guess that means many dinghies - so will this mean that for the likes of BW and sea events we all get breathalised before going out????


PS Jim HIP is Home Improvement Pack - another gov't mess up  >:(

In response to the Department for Transports announcement today that they will be pressing ahead with the introduction of an alcohol limit for non-professional mariners, the RYA is puzzled that they are acting now, three years after completing its consultation.

The proposed regulations will be applied to the navigation of vessels which are more than 7 metres (about 23ft) in length and/or capable of a maximum speed of over 7 knots. The limit of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood will be equivalent to that already in existence for professional mariners.
Didn't realise until yesterday that one of the jobs of the crew that goes up the mast on the Americas Cup boat is to 'kick the battens across when tacking / gybing'.

Is this allowed on my 'AC' - assuming that I can send a small child crew up the mast to spot windshifts and for batten flicking?


Anyone have a spare 'family' tent they could bring to the Ripon meeting?  Ideally need one with a min. of 2 sleeping compartments and a bit more room than our small 2 man tent.  I'll be bringing #1 & #2 crews up.



Looks in very nice condition - wood be nice to see her at Ripon with the other Vintages
SW series up coming dates;

5/6/7th May - Salcombe
20th May - Frampton on Severn
9th June - Penzance SC
10th June - Mounts Bay SC
NOTE - the 9th & 10th REPLACE the scheduled event at Starcross on the 23rd & 24th June

The events after Salcombe are all new 12 locations and support at these would be much appreciated - they all offer some differing sailing experiences.

More details to follow shortly.

Browsing ebay and came across a vintage 12 and much surprised when it was Pippin which sailed at last years Burton - maybe too much for the old girl??

See reply from Richard last year;
Just to bring Burton Week to the top again.
When Christmas is over and done the minds start to drift towards the summer holidays and therefore Burton Week.As this is the 70th anniversary year we really need to get a diverse fleet on the water. So to help make up the minds of any one with a VINTAGE TWELVE there will be atleast one V12 there (God Willing). I,ve decided to enter and have booked accomdation. All we need now is several other game folk to make this a interesting and enjoyable week. The setting for the week looks fab. a terrific cornish sea side village with lot of sun,sea and sand and hopefully some good wind as well as beer and pasties.
Richard N2134

eBay at

Seems a real bargain at that price!

Have you finished off varnishing those lovely old vintage / 4 plankers?  With Easter approaching fast time to make sure they're all ready for the first Vintage event of the season to take place at South Cerney SC (located just south of Cirencester in the Cotswold Water Park).

The event is also a combined South West & Thames area - so sail once and qualify twice!!  One day event with 3 races to be sailed - first race start planned 11am.

Club is easy to find and located about 20-30 mins north of Junc 15 of the M4.  Its an old gravel pit - has on islands but is a typical small water with a friendly Club and interesting sailing.

If anyone needs a crew (maybe even a spare boat going) then let me know as the Club has an extensive Cadet fleet so smaller crews are available.

Club home website is at;

NOR will be added there shortly.

Looking forwards to our first N12 event there (for many years) - a great location esp. for the ACers.  Help me show our Club the 12s are the perfect boat for the lake.

If you're palanning on coming let me know so I can help with the catering etc.  Also possible to camp at the Club (although rather waterlogged now  :-/ ) - if you want to stay over and race on Sunday for a bit of fun should be OK.

Also lots to do for non sailors or make a longer weeked;

Designer shopping at less than high street prices (West Swindon, approx. 10mins from Junct 16);

Steam museum - next to designer shopping place;

Lots about the Cotswold Water park and various info and links;

Good local play place for little 'uns - and big ones can go on the slides too;

Cable water ski (just across the road less than 5 mins away)

Outdoor equipment / clothes etc and you can get discount of 15% via SCSC members - 5 mins way;

Award winning B&B - plus they have a golf course too - about 15-20 mins away;

Butts farm - just 10 mins up the road - open farm and good veg / meat on sale too;

Cotswold Wildlife Park - about 30 mins up the road

Historic Cirencester - about 10 mins up the road;


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