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Messages - RogerBrisley


Lovely day out... really enjoyed it.

Everybody at work said  it was a wonderful sailing weekend (sun etc even in Hartlepool).. they clearly are not aquainted with the Grimwith factor!

Having seen the photo of you I'm not sure I want to see mine,  (please be kind Yvonne)

Thanks Anthony. Bernard and Mark for your advice / offers of schooling

Today Mark brought his know how and tension guage,  i brought my new extra long tape measure. to Scaling Dam.  My rig tension was about ok - only slightly soft (though I was off the scale) and rake etc was ok too.  Actually I found the results of measurin the rig tension quite instructive -  how little change in the muscle boxes could result in large changes in rig tension.

The net result of todays exercise has been to renew confidence in the marks and data provided by the previous owner.  Mark and I also took some other measurements which might be useful at Ripon..

I would appreciate Howard and Philips observations and advice if they have the time at Ripon if Bernard could fix this.

Mark was in the race office at scaling today and he also made some other useful observations. some deserved and  uncomplimentary.  However trim was not a problem....My crew may well be speaking to me by next weekend so we can build on this.... thanks for your time Mark. and thanks to Bernard Phillip and Howard in anticiipation.



Thanks for the reply.

I had already downloaded the Tuning guide but what eludes me presently is datum fore and aft trim particularly for a Design 8... i'm  currently obssessing (as my crew describes it) about mast rake.  Do the measurements in the guide refer to measurements taken with the top of the centre board casing being level ie with spirit level?  or does it refer to trim as I sail it and in which case is my normal  trim correct?  In this regard I'm obsessed with not having a rooster tail at the stern and thus trimming down at the bow.

The recent mast weight discussion has been interesting,  (Yes Anonymous prats should keep away) but apart from some event reporting,  matters have tended to be slow and dull.  Not pointing fingers but where are the stimulating ideas flowing from"ermmm!" jimmy et al ?

There used to be a lot more going on......

I'm relatively new to the class and want to get a design 8 sorted,, so far i do not have any idea about where to start with tuning like how level (and what constitutes level) and whereto go from there.


Ive managed to persuade my sailing committee to accept a "page 10" handicap for my Design 8..  As i'm sailing against RS?00's GP14's and Albacores I think this is reasonably fair as Im unlikely to plane down wind never mind upwind (unlike fellow member Mark "its only an illusion" Simpson).   However getting the Race office to  actually use the higher PY is I suspect difficult.


Have you ruled out a Crusader?!  Definitly worth thinking about,  as many (alright, several)crusaders or crusader derivatives attend opens and do ok.  Nice winders boat N3237 for sale see 2nd hand list

I agree it has been v quiet, v little controversey nor anything else.

But dont you usually get something going?


ps why did Tim Laws reckon his design 8 was the fastest ACer? Could any Design 8 succeed?
General National 12 chat / annandale
21 Apr 2005, 12:14
 ;D ;D :)

Well done the Simpsons,

Is Ian not sailing under our (Scaling Dam) colours or is he simply sharing the honours?



I bought my 1st twelve (a Crusader)  last year and after a period of "have I bought the right boat" but persevering with, it I really love it!  I went to Salcombe Town Week and was given loads of tips by the lovely lady helm, Kath Refson of "A trifle tipsy" who is typical of the fleet,  always willing to share their knowledge and experience,  to help newcomers and the competition alike!

Kath also persuaded my crew/daughter that we were doing the right things and we managed to get results.  We did the final Gill meeting at Grafham in mixed conditions (flat to howling) with little success on paper but having enjoyed the whole experience immensely.

I have now bought a middle of the road 12 Admirals Cupper in plastic which is basically a plastic Crusader and am looking forward to Gills,  Northerns as well as club racing.

As a result I have a Crusader for sale!  If you are interested please give me a call on 01642 701904 or Email on

Go on, be brave,  buy a 12,  they really are good fun and I'm sure one would be perfect for Bosham!


General National 12 chat / Re: Boom
01 Apr 2005, 12:12
Thanks for the response Mike,

Job sorted locally,

wish i was going to Bristol

General National 12 chat / Boom
30 Mar 2005, 12:44
Need a boom!

Tin or Carbon.

Do'sn't (sp?) need to be fancy!

tel 01642 701904


Well done all of you,

Trust you will be out on the water this weekend? (Gotta be joking arn't yer)

Ps 6-9 crew get heavier - start soon

Best wishes

Janet,  Roger & Harriet

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