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Burton Week 2006

Started by terry cooke (Guest), 13 Sep 2005, 01:34

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terry cooke (Guest)

BURTON WEEK 2006 will start on AUGUST 19th, book accomodation now


Just a random thought I was wondering if any Vintage boats might consider going to Burton Week to celebrate the seventy years of the National Twelve?.
Richard 2134  :)


I believe that Ken is hoping to encourage the vintage boats along with some vintage friendly events during the week.  Any vintage views on what would make Burton week (or a Burton 3 or 4 days) attractive to vintage boats? socials / sailing format etc?

Please post here


Tom Gruitt (Guest)

Just a bit of planning ahead here. Me and my friend Olly really want to do burton week 2006 but don't have a boat. Does anyone know of anybody who can't make burton week and could lend us a competative 12 for the week?



Antony (Guest)

You are probably planning too far ahead for anybody to be able to help... keep the plan in your minds and remind people in March or April when holiday plans are more set.  There should be no problem finding you something to sail, and it s obviously a case of the more the merrier.


Ken Goddard (Guest)

We agree, Richard, that it would be an excellent idea to have some Vintage Twelves
and racing at Burton Week 2006, but are unclear at the moment how many boats
are willing to travel to Porthpean and what sort of racing to plan. Any expressions
of early interest from owners through this column would be very welcome.
Ken Goddard
Vintage Wing Representative

Paul Turner N2487/3353 (Guest)

Great idea - in principle but........

I had thought about taking Dolly Daydream just for the hell of it but it is blxxdy hard work compared to the Crusader wot I sailed at NWNW this year, especially on the sea - and very heavy for launching (have we become too soft these days????). And some of the keenest vintage sailors (eg Brian Kitching) have got "fast" boats which they would probably prefer to sail at the Burton? And the old boats now having become treasured antiques are possibly no longer suitable for a full weeks hard yotting? Would a special race on Burton Cup day or first weekend (without affecting the main racing) be more managable? Or should we concentrate on the vintage racing at Pitsford?


Paul I think I would be game for Burton Week. But it would be nice if three or or four V12's turned up it could be a really good week. I think Pippin could stand up to a week at the sea side. :D
Richard N2134

John Meadowcroft

if the vintage boats come to Burton Week, launching and recovery WILL NOT BE A PROBLEM.  I shall see to it!  You would be welcomed.  There should be no worries about getting in the way even if you are not competing for the whole week.  Burton Week is a series of races.  To win the series the same people need to sail the same boat for the whole week.  However the individual races are there to be won by whoever turns up in a National 12.  Please come. Your boat was built with Burton Week in mind.  Every National 12 was built with Burton Week in mind, and the more that compete the better that the competition is.

I would use Pitsford as the tune up event!

John Meadowcroft
n3473 (and 2503 - watch out at Pitsford!)

Richard White (Guest)

Just to bring Burton Week to the top again.
When Christmas is over and done the minds start to drift towards the summer holidays and therefore Burton Week.As this is the 70th anniversary year we really need to get a diverse fleet on the water. So to help make up the minds of any one with a VINTAGE TWELVE there will be atleast one V12 there (God Willing). I,ve decided to enter and have booked accomdation. All we need now is several other game folk to make this a interesting and enjoyable week. The setting for the week looks fab. a terrific cornish sea side village with lot of sun,sea and sand and hopefully some good wind as well as beer and pasties.
Richard N2134

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