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Messages - angus


Any more takers for this outstanding Scottish event. You have to do this event if you want a chance of winning the border trophy. If we could just get a couple more boats there is a good chance we could beat the GP14s for numbers which would be really, really good also helping to secure the event for future years. For those softy southeners we have been promised a heat wave and perfect steady winds. They have even promised to drop that nasty pipe an inch or two if it will encourage Howard Chadwick to turn up although I can't promise to let him beat me in the second race.
Mr. Bill is still available, I might even manage to get her there.
Sadly I won't be there. So with the best will in the world I hope you spend the day stuffing your self full of cake and pizza and I'll see you all at Salcom? ??? ??
General National 12 chat / Annandale
10 Mar 2019, 12:50
Just a little reminder that The first Scottish event is on the 13th 14th April at Annandale. In the past this has been a really friendly enjoyable well run event, but if we do not get the numbers up there is a strong possibility that we will lose it. So if you have thought about coming in the past but never made it this might be your last chance. Mr Bill is available if anybody is  looking for a boat. The club is usually pretty good at finding crews, but don't leave it till the last minute. The NOR should be appearing on the web site shortly but if anybody wants any more details please contact me, my number is in the book or you can email me on angusbeyts at
I'm still looking, I'm really quite a nice person and I'll buy you lunch! :)
I am looking for a crew for the GUL event at Burghfield on the 16th March. It will hopefully be my first run out in my Foolish with a newly fitted foiling rudder so anything could happen.
I'm looking for a crew again, anybody interested?
I had a spare seat in the front of Mr Bill if anybody fancies some thrills and spills!
Anybody interested in crew for me at Yorkshire Dales open.

Hi Stephen welcome, China Crisis is a nice boat. for removing varnish I have been using a random orbital sander recently, but creates a lot of dust and doesn't get in the corners! When I did Reflection I  used Nitromos but that was slow and used an awful lot of Nitromos. The CVRDA web site is useful for this sort of stuff. Regarding levers and muscle boxes, some pictures would help, but I would say if it works leave it! where abouts are you and where do you intend to sail, there maybe somebody local who can help.
A final thought about the varnish, I think Alex was into two pack paints, it might be worth checking with him as to the type of varnish, if it is two pack it becomes a whole load more difficult to remove.
I am coming, provided you find me a crew George. Not sure which boat yet, mr Bill if I can get her ready in time. Probably arriving early Saturday morning after driving down overnight. Planning to watch a T20 game at Durham on the way down!
I still don't have a crew for Sunday so I won't be coming.
I am looking for a crew on Sunday.

Nobody interested in crewing for me?
I have a possible crew for one day so if anybody can do just one day that would be great, otherwise I don't think I can justify the travelling for just one days sailing.

I am interested in coming along with Reflection if anybody is prepared to crew for me.

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