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Messages - Mikey C

Not used them for sails myself (although I've had bits from him, smart enough chap), but I believe Chris Bishop had some a few years back on 3474. Looked OK though, and can't really argue at that price!
[quote by=Tim_Gatti link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1194880828,s=6 date=1194916598]

Robin Steavenson discounts the 'righting moment' advantage of a heavy steel plate.


Thats because it's only righting moment if the boat is heeled. We all know flat is fast!
Its 3354, questions to be asked about the boat are what mast has it got, as I'm pretty sure it was a bent fireball mast last time I checked. Otherwise a bargain and I spent many a happy year at the front end!
Cherub Shiny Beast, built by Andy Patterson of Bloodaxe boats for himself, to his own design.
General National 12 chat / Bloody Mary
11 Oct 2007, 05:05
I think you might get more takers when the date for the event is announced!
Maybe this link...

PS - sorry Sam, just spotted you'd already posted it!
And winning the last race! good skills...
Speaking from experience, chat to crew, chat to boats around and lose concentration....

Terry and Myself are going to be breaking out the Bi2 moulds again over the winter, so if anyone is interested in a  shiny new boat please get in touch.

mike "at"
General National 12 chat / Re: Antony
28 Sep 2007, 02:40
[quote by=tedcordall link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool1,m=1190035015,s=11 date=1190986704](Biggest advantage I've found is that people come up and stroke it and say, "Ooh, is that carbon fibre"!)[/quote]

Nail, meet head. If you cant take the lead out of the boat there is no point.
sounds like a career in National 12 publicity is awaiting you with big words like that at this time of the morning...



Probably too busy talking...
I'm pretty sure hes heading your way, as he's heading my way tomorrow...
ooo - controversial...
Boats / Re: N3419 Gladys
31 Jul 2007, 09:26
Think it was Ally Martin that day... Great event - was that the Eurovision year?
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