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Messages - thedodger

It appears, like the lost tribes of the Amazon, Spinnaker is too difficult for other 12 owners to find ~ well that's your loss I guess. Phil Brown ran an interesting and informative training day, thank you Phil, where we also discussed the new rules and generally got ourselves up to speed. Very windy and some spectacular planing and early swims for all of us!
Two new 12's due very soon at the club, both being bought by younger members caught up in the momentum. Like the lost tribes we will disappear, but it is possible for the more adventurous among you to come and join in our growing success. If you are sailing locally on your own, come join Spinnaker and you'll find a variety of boats and owners willing to welcome you to the fold.
Boats / Re: N3454 Jammy Dodger
26 Apr 2009, 10:26
April 25th 2009 repainted and ready to launch, get out the sun glasses!
Boats / Re: N3454 Jammy Dodger
11 Apr 2009, 08:20
March 2009 new paint job on the way after a complete rub down inside and out. Very cold weather delayed the start but should be back on the water by end March.
We've got the first colour on Jammy Dodger, should be ready for the 25th!
I agree with graham
[face=Arial]Hi Christian[/face][face=Arial]I have a major problem on the 6th March as a Dutch client has booked to see a boat we have for sale in Hamble and I am the only person who can do the viewing.[/face][face=Arial]I am unlikely to get away before 1830 in the evening as I have to deliver him back to Southampton airport. This means the eariest I can get to Ranelagh will be 2000 or so traffic dependent, too late me thinks.[/face][face=Arial]I am very sorry to let people down, but we are a small business and the business has to come first, especially at the moment![/face][face=Arial]If things change I will advise immediately, but it looks unlikely he will change the arrangements.[/face][face=Arial]Regards[/face][face=Arial]Simon[/face] 
Now that's an interesting concept "if it's dry" - this is England.... it will rain and blow a absolute hooli.... and we'll all be terribly British, grit our teeth and enjoy ourselves- OK! understood...
Sam, I may be able to bring Tom's boat if you can organise a crew
Thanks John, but still cannot find it in the Burton Week newsletter... So we just rock up and pitch our tent then?
Hi Kevin, any news on the proposed campsite next to the sailing club?
Simon & Rosie 3454 Jammy Dodger
I think if we ask nicely, Ian may be able to bring his scales from work
Hi there, I am pretty sure we can have the scales on site, maybe Anthony will rock up and join in....
I'll ask him to tell you, but a new carbon composite 12 is on the way ~ with Ian's pedigree I reckon it will be something rather special.
Happy to help one of the days. Don't forget there is also an amazing boat being built by Ian Stables, check it out.
Happy New Year everyone, here's to some sunny, breezy days and a long, long summer.
Simon, Tom & Rosie
Jammy Dodger & Wom Pom
I think Geoff and Emily will be there from Spinnaker with a vintage 12, will leave Geoff to fill in the gaps
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