National 12

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Messages - Vyv Game

I've uploaded some pics from saturday and sunday that where taken from the comittee boat. i may upload some more later, so check again.


edit: Here's the link:
Your name is on the card as the contact for this event!
Is there a speaker or any other activity lined up for the Saturday evening?
Can you e-mail me or give me a ring on 01404 841623 please?
Vyv 3398
Anyone else out there who intends to sail at the Starcross Open?  We need to try to finalise numbers soon for catering purposes.
I have found you a crew. She is called Anna Hickman, aged 15. Has experience crewing for her Dad in a Design 8, now currently sailing a Laser 4.7!
Let me know if you would like some contact details.
By the way the B&B list on the Starcross website is being updated so check it on a regular basis.

Vyv 3398
For local accommodation you can use this link on our club website:
( Please tell me if this doesnt work)
Im in the process of finding you a crew, watch this space.

Vyv -  3398
 I could  probably source local crews if that is any help to anyone.

 Vyv 3398
Apologies for the typo in the title ::)
Sorry to hear that you cant make it nigel but for those who can here are some more contact details:
Telephone- 01404 841623
hope to hear from you all soon.

Vyv 3398