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Topics - martin 1262

Hi all

I realise this is a long shot but here goes

Does anyone have access to the colours that were used on the Paper Darts?

I am about to set to and refurbish one and would want to try and keep things original.

I know it's a long shot but if you don't ask you don't get!!


Martin N2832
Message below from Sam Mason who is the main organiser at Hykeham.

Event is a twin event with Cvrda, so a weekend of old boats and probably even older helms but does not have to be the case!

Plan is for the 12s to join in, we can make it a vintage event but it would not preclude 4  planks and ac boats built before 1985. 

Details below any indication of numbers will help planning and catering welcomed

Should be an interesting event and a departure from the norm



Hykeham sail on a large disused gravel pit (100+ acres) just south of Lincoln. Road access is easy via the A1 and A46. Onsite camping is available and the water is a nice shade of blue and weed free.[/size]Can I get a rough idea of who would like to come and what sort of format we want? I would suggest 3 races on the Saturday starting about 1130 followed by 2 races Sunday 1100 start so people can get away at a reasonable time.There is a pub about 1/2 mile from the clubhouse where the RS300s go at feeding time or we could do a BBQ at the club. Kitchen and bar facilities will be available all day both days and the bar could be open for early arrivals on Friday eveningAs Sherlock Holmes said " Give us a clue"Sam
hi. After speaking to Paul turner I have the chance to borrow one of his boats, and enter the champs this year. June 27th and 28th. 
Not sailed for 18 months so it would be good to get back into a vintage boat again! 
my one small problem is I don't have a crew so anyone looking for a meander on what will hopefully be a pleasant June weekend?
Martin ex 3458, 2306 and others!!
Concern has been expressed among the boating fraternity that despite the continuing downturn old traditionally made rove and rivet boats are attracting ever more attention from international criminal gangs. Several Folkboats from the 1950’s and even clinker dinghies from the 40’s and 50’s have been targeted with the owners only realising that they had been the subject of attack when starting to take on substantial amounts of water on launching.
“It’s no laughing matter” said one irate owner while up to his knees in water. “These people are showing scant regard for our safety. We leave our boats in the yard or dinghy park never thinking that we will be the subject of such wilful behaviour. There may be well over 1200 copper rivets in a Holt or Woottens Merlin Rocket so the thieves may well think there are some easy pickings. I blame the recovery and long for the days of the depths of the recession when nothing had a value. Since 2009 copper has gone through the roof”.
And the reason for these problems is the ever increasing value of many marine metals, leading common criminals to turn their attention from the Ferrari and Lamborghini black market to the sale of illegally obtained semi-precious metals from the hulls of boats. Loose planks and garboards coming adrift are not the only danger.
One unfortunate owner has had the gunwhale of his dinghy detached for the sake of thirty countersunk copper nails and four brass 11/2” size 10 slot head woodscrews and nearly fell overboard. “They’ll steal anything” said Nick Fasteners a bona fide scrap dealer. “They come in here with small plastic bags full of nails expecting to make their fortunes but to be honest with you the amount of work involved doesn’t seem worth it. The real ones we want are the silicon bronze grip nails but they seem to be more secure so they go for the easy copper stuff, brass and phosphor bronze fittings”.
His business partner Rob Emblind says there has been a sea shift away from lead being stolen from keels. “These guys don’t really know what they are pinching sometimes. One chap had obviously spent an age removing the keel from a Flying Fifteen thinking it was lead and that his luck was in. He was a bit shocked when we told him it was cast iron. He would have been better with a centreboard from an old Merlin. He lost his temper somewhat and was seen thumping anything he could get his fists on” he laughed. “I think the word got around on that one and so they are concentrating on the copper and bronze.”
There is a further worrying development in this trade. The next big thing, as there are fewer nails available will be copper based anti-fouling scrapings with the gangs likely to set up small home-based factories to extract the precious oxides and making fresh stuff to offer the economically hard pushed boat owners.
Detective Inspector Smelter a leading copper expert from the Solent Officers Department has said that the theft of antifouling is a worrying trend by ever desperate people but his men are slowly getting to the bottom of it. “If you are offered this bit of kit don’t touch it” he warned. “There can be all sorts of stuff in there which really won’t do you a lot of good. You might have the short term euphoria of a job well done but long term it’s a disaster“.
Regarding the theft of nails and screws the police on the South Coast are hoping they will get to grips with this trade in the near future but for the moment have warned classic boat owners of the dangers of going afloat without closely inspecting their fastenings. The only cure seems to be to smear the rivets with a small daub of epoxy to deter all but the most hardened of criminals.
Thank heavens for Plastic fantastics, and glue clinkers Watch out Tim!!<!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->
General National 12 chat / Centreboard
19 Mar 2009, 11:18
I have a Winder foolish, and the winter is giving me time to sort out the niggles that get on my nerves. So I turn to the 12 forum for help and ideas! The centreboard is extremely difficult to get down and up again, but once It is 25% down it frees up and works ok. It is just a pain to get the the thing down, and back up again when back on shore. I have peered down the slot from inside the boat and outside, but cannot see anything other than it being a very tight fit. I have noted from other posts that some winder foolishs might be a fricton pad, but I cannot see one on mine. I guess the answer is to get the centreboard out from the boat, but don't want to unless absolutely necessary, as it can be a pig of a job. If I have to, I see a nut on the underside of the board, which I assume comes undone.
Any suggesions?
Last Minute so sorry for that, but my crew is feeling poorly, so a ride has come available in a foolish.8)
Any Takers?
I can be contacted on martin_clarkeatbtinternetdotcom or on the thread
I have a carbon mast which needs a coat of paint, as it is starting to look tatty. What is the best paint to use, anyones experience would be welcomed.

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